About me


I am a polyglot who loves to learn about languages, and so far I am learning three languages Korean, Thai, and Chinese. I am also a writer who likes to write in my spare time. I get all my inspirations for my writings by dreaming. I get about 90% of my books from my dreams that I have ever so often; even though that might sound funny, my dreams can make so much amazing things, almost like a movie, and every time I watch them, I want to write them down so others can experience it. I like writing many fiction genres like action, adventure, horror, etc. I also get a lot of my writing style, which is first person or third, from a website called Wattpad[1], a website where you can create or read books for free, but beware there will be many ads. I also got my inspiration from writing from the author of sister Grimm Michael Buckley. This author has inspired me because reading all the sisters Grimm's books made me want to write my books. Another thing about me, I am a high school student taking a running start and working on majoring in Computer science. Moreover, I live with my parent and my three dogs, a German Shepherd, a beagle, and a Yorkshire terroir.

My Wikipedia interest


I have been interested in Wikipedia before but I have learned from my peers that you cannot always trust this website, because people can edit and use false information on different content. However, it is still a great website because everything you can think of is here. I use Wikipedia from time to time to help me find ancient historians. If I were to end up working on content here over the long term, my content here would be more helpful life tips or more focused on young adults and teens. The reason is that there is not a lot of helpful content for young adults or teens, and if there is, they may have to pay, which is avoiding.

Article Evaluation


I have been interested in animals for a long time, especially Pitbull's. Throughout my entire life, I had two Pitbull's, who were quite delightful. Even though they were wonderful dogs, they had their protective sides, but were still lovable dogs. That is why I decided to visit the Pitbull article on Wikipedia and found three aspects worth commenting on: lack of recognition, lack of Biased voice, and being underrepresented.  

Lack of recognition


I've noticed that many of Wikipedia's pages about Pitbull's talk more about the aggressive sides of the Pitbull, giving them much misunderstanding to people who might be interested in getting a pit bull. This Wikipedia page especially mentions that Pitbull's are used as a symbol of power, which means that the dog is either aggressive or dangerous.

Biased Voice


There are some biased voices on this page, but not many. I have noticed that other Wikipedia pages, like the Tibetan Mastiff page, tend to talk about the more positive side of that dog breed. On this Wikipedia page, they tend to sound more controversial about Pitbull's, and I haven't seen anything there that talks about how adorable they are.



In their header that says as a symbol, I believe it is a bit underrepresented, and they do not have many sources that positively symbolize Pitbull. They should have more symbolism towards them, like mentioning the famous Pitbull's who have helped fight in the wars or the dog actors like Pete from "Little Rascals."



Overall, I would rate this page a good five out of ten. The scope of information provided creates a complete background, but the biased voices and the Under-represented towards Pitbull's make it impossible to say whether or not the information is reliable. The section titled "Dog attack risk It just sticks out to me more than the others because the page is making it seem like the Pitbull's are dangerous. And for people who don't know, it is not the dog, it's the owner who makes the dog who it is, or this behavior can become because of neglection. Also, there are pieces of information that are not included on this page, which I think would benefit the scope with a greater sense of the worldwide use of this instrument.

