Disc 1

Liberi Fatali (Fated Children) Progression: 0%


    Inspiring FMV sequence showing a girl (Rinoa) standing in a meadow, and two combatants (Squall, in black, and Seifer, in grey) engaged in a fierce battle, intershot with scenes of a mysterious Sorceress.


  • Dialogue during the opening flyby
  • Meadow of flowers
  • Markings across the back of Rinoa's cloak

A moment of rest Progression: 1%


    Injured during his fight with Seifer, Squall recuperates in the infirmary and receives a mysterious, and fleeting, visitor.


  • Your decisions and actions, even in response to the very first question you are asked, are recorded throughout this early stage of the game to gauge your conduct, judgement, attacking, spirit and attitude.

Introducing Quistis and the Garden Progression: 2%


    Instructor Quistis Trepe arrives to collect Squall, and a little is learned about the trainee as the pair head to class. A meeting with a newly transferred student gives Squall the chance to explain the layout of the Garden compound.


  • The term 'Garden'


  • Showing the new student around Garden is a plot device to demonstrate the useful 'Garden Directory' system, positioned inside the main entrance of the compound.

Final training Progression: 6%


    Squall is required to complete his final course unit before he can attempt the field exam; it was to this training area that Squall was en route when he was 'ambushed' by Seifer (re: Story Introduction)


  • The term 'SeeD'


  • You can explore all of Balamb at this time. Power-players should take this opportunity to build up stocks of the various magic that can be obtained from the island's monster population (especially Ice-type magic) and Junction it with their stats.
  • You will not receive random encounters if you stay on the road between Balamb Garden and Balamb Town. You are more likely to receive encounters in forests.
  • Save your position on the World Map immediately outside the Fire Cavern so you can easily restart the Trial if you fail.
  • When choosing a time limit for your Fire Cavern trial, remember that you will be graded more favourably for ending the mission closer to the end of your chosen time. The Cavern should be easily completable within 20 minutes, and is possible to complete within 10 for well-stocked and strategically-Junctioned characters using Ice magic and judicious escaping if necessary.

Field examination Progression: 10%


    Having completed his course units, Squall is teamed with Zell Dincht, an enthusiastic martial arts expert, and placed under Seifer's captaincy for the duration of the field examination. The uneasy team are sent to perform a flush-and-secure mission in nearby Dollet, a town recently invaded by their powerful neighbours, Galbadia.


  • This mission introduces you to Selphie Tillmit, the happy-go-lucky transfer student who bumped into Squall in the Garden, earlier in the game.
  • Guardian Force Siren can be drawn from the Elvoret at the top of the Communications Tower. This is your only chance to acquire her before Disc 4.

A night out Progression: 20%


    New SeeDs Squall, Zell and Selphie attend the Garden graduation ceremony. It is there that Squall meets an entrancing girl from outside the Garden who is looking for someone else. After sharing a stunning FMV waltz the girl spots her target and disappears, leaving Squall in a reflective mood. Meanwhile, Quistis Trepe is having serious thoughts about her future, and tries to share them with Squall.

Out and about Progression: 27%


    Squall, Zell and Selphie are assigned their first mission, and are sent to assist a resistance faction located in the distant Galbadia-controlled city of Timber.


  • Talk to Headmaster Cid before leaving the briefing. It's your only chance to receive your Battle Meter.

Interlude 1 Progression: 30%


    With the three SeeDs unconscious, events head off in an unexpected direction. Three new characters are introduced, who are in something of a predicament of their own.

Meet the Forest Owls Progression: 35%


    Arriving in Timber, and trying to put the strange 'shared dream' behind them, Squall, Zell and Selphie meet with the Forest Owls resistance group. Squall is disappointed with the apparently amateur conduct of the members, but it surprised to find a familiar face among their number.

Making a stand Progression: 37%


    Rinoa outlines the Owls' daring plan to kidnap the Galbadian president, but the group may not have bargained on the consequences of success...

Emergency broadcast system Progression: 45%


    With the Owls foiled, Galbadian president Deling proceeds to make the first international TV broadcast in seventeen years, not previously possible since the RF interference blanketing the planet began. However, before the address is complete, an unexpected and uninvited guest interrupts, and the SeeD's find their assistance requested by a second, more welcome, visitor.


  • Messages in the RF interference displayed on the big TV screen. If you can't make them out, the three repeated lines (highlight to see) are:

Flee! Progression: 50%


    As the Sorceress departs with Seifer, freed president Deling calls his forces into Timber. Since their contract instructs the SeeD's to aid the Forest Owls until Timber's liberation, Squall, Zell, Selphie and new addition Quistis have no choice but to escape the city and take Rinoa to a place of safety.

Interlude 2 Progression: 55%


    Laguna and his two companions are on a scouting mission in Centra. They discover a large scale excavation project, apparently being led by forces from the technologically advanced country of Esthar. The soldiers prove less than hospitable to the three Galbadians, and the trio are soon forced to search for an alternative escape route.


  • The things that you affect here during your visit have specific effects much later in the game. See <A HREF="puzzles.html#excavation">Puzzles</A> for more information.

Amongst different flowers Progression: 65%


    The party arrive at Galbadia Garden. Although located within belligerent Galbadia's territory, the Garden remains independent, as do the others. Squall's companions, presuming Seifer dead, begin to share their memories of Balamb Garden's troublemaker, provoking an uncharacteristic outburst of emotion from their recalcitrant leader.

Saving the world - take 1 Progression: 70%


    The party receive a briefing from Galbadia Garden headmaster Martine, with Rinoa claiming B-Garden heritage in order to, in her words, "make things easier". Martine informs the group that he and Balamb headmaster Cid Highwind have agreed that a stand must be taken against the Sorceress. Introducing them to Irvine Kineas, SeeD and sharpshooter, Martine charges the team with the assassination of the Sorceress - by inconspicuous sniping by preference, but by direct confrontation if necessary.

A test Progression: 73%


    Upon arrival in Galbadia, the operation is temporarily put on hold as their contact, General Carraway of the Galbadian military, requires the SeeD's to perform a test to prove their identities.


  • There is more to do in the Tomb than simply retrieve the student's ID number. See the <A HREF=puzzles.html#tomb>Puzzles</A> page for more info.
  • The ID number is unique in each game: make a note of it.

The plan Progression: 80%


    The team meet with General Caraway, who briefs the SeeDs on the daring, two-pronged assassination plan. Left out of the arrangements, Rinoa offers her own idea for how she can help.


  • References to the 'Odine' brand.

The hiccup Progression: 84%


    Quistis leads her team back to Carraway's Mansion so that she may apologise to Rinoa for her earlier harsh words. Unfortunately, Rinoa has already been stung into action, and Quistis, Selphie and Zell find themselves trapped in the mansion by an auto-lockdown mechanism, activated by Carraway to keep his wilful daughter out of trouble!

The rescue Progression: 88%


    En route to their sniping position, Squall and Irvine spot Rinoa up in the Presidential Residence. When the Sorceress decides to end her ascension speech with a 'sacrifice', it's time for the duo to spring into action.


  • Check out the street outside the Presidential Residence thoroughly; you may be pushed for time, but you may miss the means to acquire a rare item (see <A HREF=puzzles.html#sewers>Puzzles</A> for full details).
  • Take this opportunity to draw GF Carbuncle from the monsters marauding Rinoa. It's the only one you'll get before Disc 4.

The recovery Progression: 92%


    Escaping from Carraway's Mansion, Quistis and the rest of the second team face a long and smelly trek through Deling's sewers if they hope get back in position before 8 o'clock.

The battle Progression: 96%


    The clock strikes eight, but is it really going to be possible to kill a sorceress with a single bullet from a sniper..?