Aneurin Bevan. The NHS was launched on 5th July 1948 From Summer 2013 the new NHS 111 Service was made available across England. In 2011 the Health and Social Care Bill was Published. Matthew Green 40, became the first UK patient to receive an Artificial Plastic heart impact at Papworth Hospital,Cambridgeshire in August 2011. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 was published bringing in wide- ranging reforms. The London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony pays tribute to the outstanding NHS. In April 2013 The NHS Friends and Family Test was launched. This Year the NHS plans to spend £126bn. The NHS Budget in 1948 was £437 million. The NHS is funded mainly from general taxation and National Insurance contributions. In England there are 207 clinical commissioning groups. There are also 135 acute non-specialist Also there are 54 mental health trust. In March 2017, the NHS employed 106,403 doctors, 285,394 nurses and health visitors and 132,673 scientific therapeutic and technical staff. In Comparison with the health care systems of the ten other countries ( Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and USA The NHS was found to be the most impressive overall by the Commonwealth Fund in 2017. Current Health Expenditure in the UK was 9.75 per cent of GDP in 2016,This Compares to 17.21 

Did You Know? Per cent in the USA The NHS deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours. In 2015/16 there were 40 per cent more operations ( procedures and intervention as defend by Hospital Episode Stitch excluding diagnostic testing) The NHS Identity is one of the most cherished and recognisable brands in the world.