Dr. Gampala Sivavaraprasad (Member, IEEE and ION) received the B.Tech degree from JNTU-Hyderabad in 2012, M.Tech. degree from KL University, Guntur, India, in 2015, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of ECE, KL University, in 2018. In 2017, he joined the Department of ECE, KL University, as an Assistant Professor (Faculty Member), where he is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. His research interests include satellite and wireless communication systems, space weather studies of upper atmosphere, study of ionospheric irregularities using GPS-based total electron content and scintillations measurements, and development of web-based ionospheric system-based on deep learning techniques for ionospheric total electron content forecasting and mitigation of scintillation effects using GNSS/NavIC observations. He was a recipient of the Early Career Research Award from the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), India. He has published his research work in a number of 20 SCI Journals (IEEE, IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, Springer and Elsevier Journals). I have also published (filed) one patent. I have actively participated in 2 international workshops with complete sponsorship for supporting travel and accommodation expenses (the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), ICTP, Italy and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, TUMSAT, Japan via SAKURA Science programme). Moreover, I have participated in many national and international conferences/workshops/FDPs. I have more than 6 years of experience including both research and teaching. I am very much dedicated in full-filling the administrative tasks assigned to me in the given time.