User:Garamond Lethe/sandbox/ga notes

Rene Wellek and Austin Warren, 3rd. ed., 2nd Pelican imprint, 1982.


Page number is going to be problematic here. I've triangulated dulce and utile to pages 19-21 in the 1949 edition (per note 28) versus pg. 30 in the Penguin edition. So at least for the first few chapters I'm going to assume +9-11.

  • [13] On page 7 instead of v, both ok.
  • [21] "They define literary scholarship as extremely personal[21] and contrasted with the literary arts by its scientific and not creative approach.[22]" Notes 21 and 22 refer to pages 8 and 3 respectively.


  • Legacy: "Although they noted that German and Russian works of a similar nature had already been released," The word "released" might be to close to film. Perhaps "Although they noted a similarity to existing German and Russian works....", but that's your call.
  • Nice work getting the diacritic in RenĂ© throughout.