My name is Cliff Huylebroeck. I'm Belgian. I was born on March 17, 1969.

I'm Bachelor of Informatics, specialized in systems analysis.

I maintain a website for a retrocomputing project: OS 9.2.3. I find it an honor to write an update to the best operating system that there has ever been: Mac OS 9.2.2.

I'm a conscientious objector. I refused military service in 1991. I was an activist of the Forum for Peace Action, the Belgian division of War Resisters' International. I was particularly interested in action against electronic weapons.

In 2008 I discovered that what I was experiencing since long had a name: gang stalking. Since then I'm an activist against gang stalking and electronic harassment, for which I maintain a forum. This forum has only a few dozens of members. Most of them have their own website.

Gastacara means: GAng STAlking and electroniC hARAssment.