The Spot is a silly ass location and log fort located in Fairmont, Minnesota.



The Spot was first established in late April - early May 2020 when Big R and Leo discovered an empty patch of dirt surrounded by trees while walking near the train bridge at Hobo Trail. The Boys began visiting the spot more and more, and it became one of the most memorable spot in The Boys’ history. It became a key location in the Summer of 2020.

Sometime in June 2020, Tuck, Big R, and Skinlor decided to build a structure surrounding The Spot. They established log walls, dug a fire pit, and placed seats in the earth.

On July 20, 2020, during one of G Stone’s runaway adventures, he, alongside Big R, and Leo, visited The Spot at 3:00 AM.

Sometime between February and April 2021, an unknown assailant tore down the fort. After this incident, The Spot was seldom visited until 2024.