Glen MAE Sanders is 62 years old born in Greensburg, Louisiana on April 25,1953 (Glen was a 68 in the first play Tough love. Her ages in the other plays are unknown because they take places between these two plays but the next play she will be 75 years old. She reveals she once lived in South Dakota but later returned to Atlanta with her brothers and sisters. Jeremiah Mathis is a writer and producer of his first play that is Glen’s tough love. Jeremiah created a character by the name of Glen Mae Sanders she had her first play that is Glen’s tough love until October 25 she had her first movie Glen’s scary Halloween 🎃. Jeremiah have 5 new movies. Thicker than War 2018,Glen’s Christmas 2017, Glen’s family reunion 2018, Glen’s family disaster 2018, tough life 2018. Until then Jeremiah made another character by the name of Otis sanders that’s Glen’s first brother Jeremiah made another by the name of Michael Sanders he is a Business owner of Mike is right corporation ( Otis son). Michael have 2 kids that don’t quite have relationship with them the family is big. Glen depends on her nephew Mike but sometimes Glen will threaten mike to pay bills. Glen’s favorite daughter that she depends on is Irlene sanders. Otis sanders is 89 years old raised in St.louis. Glen have 690 family members. In parts of Atlanta, New Orleans, Florida,St.louis. But here is family members of Glen.

                        The Family of Glen 

Mother ) Big Momma Jones (dead)

Brother ) Allen Jones (dead)

Brother) Otis Sanders

Brother) Carlos Jones (deceased)

Sister) Vianne Jones (dead)

Brother) Ray Jones

(Niece) Glynis Sanders

(Nephew) Charleston Murphy (dead)

(Nephew) Michael Sanders

(Niece) Dian Murphy (Dead)

(Aunt) Nannie Murphy

(Ex husband) Fred Brown (killed)

(Ex husband) David Newton (killed)

(Great nephew) Brian Smith

(Great niece) Fiona Sanders

(Cousin) Darren Finley

(Cousin) Joann Finley

(Niece) Vianne Green

(Son in law) Michael Wright ( maybe dead)

(Daughter) Irlene Sanders

(Son) Fred Jones (given away)

(Daughter) Brenda Brown

(Grandson) Michael Wright jr. ( dead)

(Grandson) Landon Wright

Glen went to East side High school She was 18 years old when she had her first child Irlene Sanders. Glen was raised in a Shack . Glen says that her Mother works at the club (Dripin Thunder Club. Glen’s Christmas theme is Christmas don’t mean a Damn thing to me!!!, you to stupid, and it’s going down!!!. Glen’s new movie Glen’s Family Disaster in 2018 when Glen’s son Frank Gearldford had passed on Christmas Eve

Glen Sanders have 6 warrants but Quitley don’t care. Glen have something in common with her first cousin Joann Finley. Glen moved back to St.louis Glen have A Lincoln that is black but barely drives it instead Otis Drives it to the strip club downtown St.Louis but never return back home until the next day. But Glen graduated from East Side High School without an diploma. Glen worked at a Store but then worked at the Bar at the club And get tipsy afterwards. But Glen was 18 and finding Old School western guns to kill bully’s. Glen was 5’8 in kindergarten 5’9 in the First grade 5’11 in High School. Jeremiah’s cousin Jada Mathis plays Glen’s daughter Brenda Brown Wright but Brenda’s son Michael Wright jr. had died because Brenda’s uncle (Glen’s brother) And Glen’s nephew Ray jr. had killed (Brenda’s son on accident but until Glen found out that Michael jr. was buried in Glens Backyard of her home Ray jr. was in charge of the burial of Michael jr.