33This user is 33 years, 5 months, and 21 days old.
This user lives in the U.S. State of Nebraska.
Non-binary pride flag
This user's pronouns are
they, them.
This user is asexual.
EDSThis user has Ehlers–Danlos syndrome.
This user has survived cancer
for 8 years and 14 days.
This user is autistic and does not have autism.
TSThis user has Tourette syndrome.
This user loves
corgis (corgwn).
This user's dog(s) died.
This user is owned by one or more cats.
This user has a pet mouse.
This user knows that
This user ardently opposes
the alt-right
This user understands biological evolution and accepts it as a scientifically established fact.
This user believes religion should stay out of politics.
This user is an Atheist and believes religion is not harmful to society.
IWTF This user is skeptical of MBTI, regarding it as pseudoscience.