Hi everyone. Welcome to my user page. 😊

About me: I am a researcher in the field of health and ageing, with a clinical background of several years, and a special interest in knowledge translation.  

My work: I am a member of the executive team of the Cochrane Campbell Global Ageing Partnership. My role includes contributing to several ongoing projects in evidence synthesis and knowledge translation within the partnership´s strategy for the WHO Decade of Healthy Ageing.

I am leading the new Cochrane Campbell Global Ageing Partnership Wikipedia Project, liaising with the Cochrane-Wikipedia Initiative.  Our work will start over the next few weeks.

My first experience with Wikipedia editing dates to 2016, when I was part of the team of four volunteers who took part in the “Cochrane Global Ageing - Wikipedia Initiative”.

Disclaimer: My work on Wikipedia is currently being developed on a volunteer basis. Although my edits will primarily focus in including Cochrane and Campbell evidence in Wikipedia articles, I will always follow Wikipedia’s practices on conflict of interest and neutrality.   My contributions will align with the principles of the Cochrane-Wikipedia Initiative.  

Feel free to contact me.  You can reach me on my “Talk page” or “ping me” on another page by pasting: {{PingIGlobal Ageing}} to your message.