Article Evaluation: Opinion Polls about 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

- This article was about the differing perspectives worldwide of the 9/11 attacks, primarily the attacker and the extent of knowledge the US government had prior to the attacks. The author looks at multiple polls ranging from New York State, other countries, and worldwide

- The facts in the article are all relevant

- The polls highlight the differing opinions and are taken from a wide range of sources

- The article is neutral

- Many polls included from other nation's opinions' besides the US

- The links in the citations all work and the sources support the claims of the article

- The newspaper publications some of the polls are stated but the bias of these newspapers are not explicitly stated

- The data is taken from 2003- 2013

- shows a wide range of time but does not have updated polls from 2017

- Includes margin or error for each of the polls included

-Talk Section: some believe the information is bias

- There aren't enough polls included

Drones are known by the military as UAVs(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or RPAS(Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems). Drones are used by the military is situations where manned flight is considered too risky or difficult. The United States Air Force have drones that range from small intelligence drones, surveillance drones, and large spy planes. 

The drones are unmanned, however, they have a pilot. Trained crew steer the craft through cameras that send back what they see. The military began using these crafts to strike suspected militants in Pakistan’s tribal areas under President George W Bush, but the use of drones has almost doubled since the Obama administration took office.

The year before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, drone funding stood at around $284 million. By the fiscal year 2016, the Pentagon spent close to $3 billion on drones. Since their start 3,900 people have been killed in 422 strikes in Pakistan, where the drones are controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency.The controversy of drones stems from the American people’s concern of using advanced technologies to kill an enemy in foreign countries. 

Ian G. R. Shaw, (2014), “The Rise of the Predator Empire: Tracing the History of U.S. Drones”, Understanding Empire,