'Grizzly Chiggles' Otherwise known as Charlie Harris is an Australian Content creator born in 2004 and lives in the Victorian state near the Metropolitan city; Melbourne. Charlie has been a Content Creator for Several years, starting back in 2014 on YouTube. He has grown very little since. Charlie recently has started producing content on Twitch but still continues to use Twitch.


Charlie's YouTube name has gone through several fazes. started with his real name; (Charlie Harris) then moved onto 'minifatman1812' which stuck for a while. but due to the amount of fun that was being made of him because of this name, he decided to change it completely to a more known me called: 'SuperBekfast' which stands as his longest lasted YouTube name until recently. After starting a twitch Career with the name "Grizzly Chiggles" he decided it would be about time to change his YouTube name as well to the same. to allow it to be simpler and more knowledge to everyone.

Charlie hopes to grow his twitch and YouTube careers but so far has little hope of succeeding.