Hello. FRIENDS!!!!!!!!! I am anonymous but you're not anonymous to me. Let me tell you about my life. I'm in prison but i am going to tell you how i got in there. I am just going to to tell you that you are the first people i have ever told. So here we go. It all started on a sunny day. I was at my work (the local deli) and a man walked in. He was tall, dark haired and fit as hell. Personally i would of gone for him but he was to skinny for me (I like a big man). I saw him with a suitcase and millions of gold all over him but there was something suspicious about that suitcase as he was holding on to it very tightly. I COULD SEE HIS VANES ALMOST POPPING OUT OF HIS HANDS!!!!!! I went over to him, he wanted a lemon sponge with a slight twist on almond. I thought that was very masculine of him, and i was slightly attracted to that but although that conversation was interesting i still couldn't stop noticing that suitcase. I grabbed it quickly and ran but still managed to give him that lemon sponge with a slight twist of almond. So that is how I got in prison. I am in prison in Derby. https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=active&ei=-2UhWpKqDqaIgAazvZs4&q=derby+prison&oq=derby+prisen&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i13k1l6j0i13i30k1l4.7266.16438.0.18376.