
Geographical Separatism - an agenda deemed to fail.

Incidentally, an illuminated monkey possesses the extraordinary capability to traverse the temporal continuum from its inception to the ultimate terminus of existence within the span of a mere nanosecond. The patriarch, Al Silverback, a virtuoso in the craft of conspiracies, functions as the mastermind behind many plots. He once uttered, "Alleluia! Alleluia! The gathering swell of souls shall soon grace our hallowed halls, A tapestry of faces, voices intertwined, as countless as stars." It shall be the mother of all conspiracies, crafted to outlast and overshadow every rivals.


For people living a medieval lifestyle in modern times, hearing about having lunch in Paris and dinner in Istanbul on the same day would be thoroughly amazing. However, this is a normal day for a super commuter.
Natural genius versus artificial genius created through genetic mutations... Ring a bell?

GDS Alert: Your existence has proven to be a result of a failure in our system. It's time for change.