Haledhel, also known under other names that will not be stated here, is a sophomore college student. She dislikes many things and many kinds of people. Haledhel occasionally enjoys creative writing and is a frustrated artist. She hopes to take up art after college and become a costume designer.



Haledhel mainly picks and edits articles about Tolkien's Middle-earth. She enjoys reading historic fiction, particularly about pre-Norman Europe. Her favorite authors are J. R. R. Tolkien, Marion Zimmer Bradley and Amy Tan.

She is also keen on past lives and subjects such as esotericism and mysticism.

When she is not studying or pretending to do so, she is usually daydreaming or working on a sketch or painting.



Haledhel is a Pisces with Sagittarius ascending, and was born in the year of the Fire Rabbit. In the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, she is an INFP, with the last element bordering on Judging. She is also an Enneagram type Four Wing Five.

She cannot express her personality without sounding egoistic, so she relies on references such as those provided above.

Haledhel disappears at the oddest moments. When she chooses to disappear, it is best not to go looking for her unless instinct says so, lest you put her in a terrible mood. Achieving to do so will earn the offender a rant entry in her weblog. These are usually her black and creative moods, although the two have not yet occured at the same time.

Haledhel believes that personalities do not change (much) in reincarnations. Although many would disagree, this holds true for herself.

She has been a haughty person without being egoistic, and does not socialize much. She sees her demeanor as a weeding device, but is actually affectionate, friendly and caring towards lifelong friends. Would-be lifelong friends are welcome to apply. Schooling asides, Haledhel has also hated being ordered around by people who she thinks has no right to or by those who she does not respect to a particular degree, but loyalty and respect gained from her transcends time. She has shown that she can be harsh and critical, but also polite and appreciative.

Where to Find Her


Most of the time she haunts the private board of the society she dedicates much thought for.

Aside from her bedroom, her favorite haunts include quiet bookstores and places with similar atmosphere that are not littered with airheads, sophomoric people and such.

If found, please do not attempt to impress her with Filipino greetings or phrases. If you must try, use Quenya or Sindarin phrases.