Disorganized Essay Example


I've always been interested in music, and learning about different musical instruments. For example, when I was a kid in high school I played clarinet in the school band. I don't have a good sense of rhythm, but other instruments have also interested me. During my interest in other instruments, I have found that they are all grouped in families such as: the percussion family, the string family, and the wood instrument family.

In the percussion family, you have the drums and the Xylophone among many other instruments. Percussion instruments tend to be instruments that are hit to make sound. With drums you need a good sense of rhythm to hit the sticks and match the beat. Xylophones are similar to drums, you use sticks to hit it to make sound causing it to fall under the percussion family.

Another instrument family would be the string family. Any instrument that has strings that are bowed or plucked fall under the string family. Some examples include the violin, cello, and guitar. An orchestra is made up of mostly instruments from the string family, but also include instruments from other families. The violin and guitar are very popular string instruments around the world and have influenced many great musicians.