Time4Trance is a weekly 2 hour radio show aired on public radio and TV station RTV Krimpenerwaard every friday at 22:00 (CET), hosted by Han Beukers and Vincent Sneujink. The show first aired in February 2016 and tries to offer a podium for all Trance dj's (known and unknown - beginner or experienced). Usually live artist come to the studio to play their live set on air or send in a guestmix.

Background and growth


The show takes the format of a two-hour mix in which Han Beukers plays new of classic Trance music (all subgenre's of Trance) live on air, both promotional and commercially released. The show started as a 1 hour show and recently grew into a 2 hour show giving the guest dj's more time in the second hour,

The success of the show has spawned to a yearly marathon edition and in 2017 a first Time4Trance stage at the City Beats event in Schoonhoven (The Netherlands).