This is me by Hannah Mienie. (2021)

"Tis true, my form is something odd, but blaming me is blaming God, could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you." - Issac Watts

I'm a sister, daughter, niece, granddaughter, friend, partner and most of all a background character to strangers, yes this is me. I'm many things and I live in many memories of others, what I am to you is not what I am to others.

I have interests, passions and I dream of far away places. I have fears and vulnerabilities like every soul around. I have days when the mirror reflects hope and days where the mirror reflects despair. What I am today won't be who I am tomorrow, yes this is me. I like to sit in silence and listen to the birds sing but then again I miss the company of hundreds and all the noise it brings. I like the sun on my face and the feeling of my heart's race. I like to sing and dance, to music that can transform morbid places. I like tv shows with romantic traces, I like the idea of being free and bringing the people in my mind back to me, yes this is me.

I like dinner time, where the food is never tasteless, I like the conversations we hold and where we can enjoy each other's good graces. I don't know many things but what I know is that the company from the right people can make you want to sing, yes this is me. I like my comfy room and my friends on my phone, talking away because of covid, I'm home. As days come and go, more of me finds a way to show this is who I am, well now you think you know. Covid has brought out some of my passions, I became a vegan and yoga is now a day-to-day practice, who would have known this catastrophe would help me become a better version of me.

There are sides of me left to be discovered and only time will tell who I will be like, will I be like my aunt or my mother? Who on earth is this in my shell, all I know is the things I like and maybe it will shine the light, yes this is me. I came about from far away lands and left my family to become who I am. I'm not what you think of me, I'm complex and strange and many people claim to know everything about me, even my name, but yet there are sides of me I will never show, so who are you claiming to know? Because yes, this is who I am, but to you, not to the next man.

Yes this is who I am, forever changing because life waits for no man, adapt or die are words to live by so be grateful for who you are because tomorrow is a joke and yesterday was a lie.