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In Poland in 1939, the Jewish population struggled mightily to obtain weapons. The underground non- Jewish groups at this time did not want to share the weapons with the Jews. This forced them to look elsewhere. In order to obtain weapons at this time they had to find the arms that had been buried by the Polish Army at the time of their downfall.

In 1942, a different underground resistance group rose in Poland which was called the Armia Ludowa. The Armia Ludowa or translated to the People’s Army, was very weak and didn’t have many weapons at the rise. However, through the next year more and more people started to join. There weren’t to many Jewish survivors at this time but the few that did survive joined on with the group. The weapons that were used were either brought by peasants or stolen.[1] As stated in the article Jewish Resistance by Yehuda Bauer, weapons were originally from the Soviet Union and were parachuted in. [1]

In 1942, the ghetto of Warsaw became a danger zone. The ghetto was destroyed in many places. It all began with the deportation. On July 28, a group called the Jewish Fighters’ Organization was created. This group lacked weapons which was a common theme. They were able to obtain a few pistols and grenades. After a few failed attempts, there weapons were confiscated and the leaders captured. A new underground group was created in January 1943. The assembly of this group had two machine guns, 14 riffles, over 500 handguns and a large amount of homemade grenades.[1] The leader of this underground group was Mordechai Anielwicz, a 23 year old Jewish boy and Ha’Shomer Ha’Tzair. The Warsaw ghetto rebellion lasted longer than 6 weeks and were outmanned and outgunned. The Germans were backed by tanks and heavy guns. The Nazis ended the rebellion by setting each building on fire in the ghetto and using poison gas to draw Jews out of bunkers. The group was about 750 Jews that were armed, but also it was a few thousand people who didn’t have weapons but resisted the Nazis and tried everything in their power to escape. This was the first armed uprising against the Nazis.

In Poland during World War 2 there were about 5,000 Jewish fighters and 4,000 of them were killed. Throughout Poland, there were four different rebellions and about 17 places that there were armed resistance groups.




Bold Test

Italic Test

Footnote Test[2]

  1. ^ a b c Bauer, Yehuda. Jewish Resistance and Passivity in the Face of the Holocaust. New York: Schoken Books. p. 238.
  2. ^ Neusner, Jacob (1991). Mishnah: The New Scripture. Yale University. p. 177.