User:Harry Hinderson/sandbox

Prussian Crisis of 1849
Part of the German Civil War, Revolutions of 1848

The Battle of Königgrätz, by Georg Bleibtreu. Oil on canvas, 1851
Date16 July 1849 – 2 February 1850
  • Prussia
  • The Balkans

Third wave of Counter-Revolution suppressed
Prussian Parliament dissolved & most members exiled. Constitution of 1848 officially reciended.
Austrian Empire dissolved, Croatia & Galicia-Lodomeria made autonomous parts of Hungary, Albania made independent
Serbian Vojvodina dissolved by Hungary while everybody was distracted

  • Russia, Prussia, & Bulgaria officially recognize the German Empire & authority over the Rhineland
  • Russia cedes Trebizond to the Alawiyaa Empire, Basarabia to Romania
  • Bulgaria cedes territory to Greece & Romania
  • Germany cedes territory to France, Italy & Prussia
  • Francis Joseph steps down as King of Hungary and renounces all claims to the throne. Cousin given Hungarian throne, who renounces all claims to German territory

The Allied Powers:
 United Kingdom

Ally aligned states:
 Vojvodina (After Bulgarian Invasion of Serbia, until Hungarian dissolution)
 Serbia (After Bulgarian Invasion)
 France (After Brussels Agreement)
Italy Italian Confederation (After Brussels Agreement)
Egypt Alawiyya Empire (After 15 January 1850)
 Greece (After 18 January 1850)


The Holy Alliance:
Russia Russian Empire
 Kingdom of Prussia

Reactionary Exiles & Counter-Revolutionaries
  1. ^ a b Part of the German Empire as well
Austrian Civil War
Part of the German Civil War, Revolutions of 1848
DatePhase 1: 13 March 1848 – 3 July 1848
Phase 2: 6 December 1849 - 2 May 1849

Phase 1: Revolutionary Victory
Near total breakdown of Austrian central authority
Croat unification with Dalmatia, Slavonia, and Bosnia
Resignation of the Austrian Government and Emperor Ferdinand I
Austrian adoption of the July Constitution making it a Federation.
Reactionaries revolt in response to the July Constitution
Multiple federal states illegally self-declared in the Austrian Empire
Serbia adopts new Constitution, Liberal-Nationalists win first elections, official support for rebels in Croatia and Hungary begins
Bulgarian government overthrown, Tsar flees to Russia
Polish revolutionaries split between support and rejection of July Constitution
Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia officially ceded to Sardinia-Piedmont
Tensions between liberal governments and Radicals, Socialists grows
Negotiations between Austria and Hungary break down, Hungarian independence declared again
Phase 2: Hungarian Victory, Counter-Revolutionary Defeat
Duchy of Slovakia fully occupied and dissolved
Rumelian Congress defeated
Bukovina ceded to Romania
Russia invades Bulgaria, restores Tsar and absolutist rule
Czech unrest suppressed, given minor concessions
Croat-Serb War ends in cession of some territory to Serbia, end of Croatisation, recognition of Vojvodina
Romania ceases support of Transylvania in exchange for support against potential Russian invasion, last few strongholds conquered
Austrian & Hungarian governments defeat internal revolts & consolidate power

Ceasefire & resumption of negotiations

Pro-Government Forces:
 Austrian Empire

 German Confederation
Serbia Kingdom of Serbia
Bulgaria Tsardom of Bulgaria


Hungary Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia Kingdom of Croatia (Occasionally)
 Kingdom of Sardinia
Republic of Venice
Grand Duchy of Tuscany
Italy Kingdom of Dalmatia
Duchy of Modena and Reggio
Roman Republic
Kingdom of Yugoslavia Prague Slavic Congress
Poland Provisional Revolutionary Sejm
Ukraine Supreme Ruthenian Council
Principality of Albania Albanian National Union
Bosnia Eyalet Rumelian Congress
Association for the Liberation of Western Serbia

Germany German Revolutionaries


Germany German Empire
Bulgaria Kingdom of Bulgaria
Italy Italian Confederation
Serbia Kingdom of Serbia

Transylvania Principality of Transylvania


Anti-July Revolutionaries:
Hungary Kingdom of Hungary
Bosnia Eyalet Rumelian Congress
Bohemia Crown of Bohemia
Poland Polish Separatists


 Russian Empire
Bulgaria Bulgarian Government-In-Exile
Transylvania Saxons
Order of Leopold II
Autonomist Party

Hungarian Reactionaries
Oriental War
Part of Second Hundred Years' War, Russo-Turkish Wars

The bombardment and capture of St Jean D'Acre
Date1839 - 1840 (Phase 1)

1840 - 1842 (Phase 2)

21 February 1843 - 2 April 1845 (Phase 3)

Phase 1: Egyptian Victory
Phase 2: Entente & Russian Partial Tactical victory, Allied Strategic Victory
Phase 3: Allied Victory
Egyptian independence, conquest of Anatolia, Syria, Cyrenaica, and Nejd
Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire
Independence of Bulgaria
Expansion of Serbia, Montenegro, and Greece
Austrian annexation of Albania and Bosnia
Franco-British administration of Tunisia
Algerian resistance defeated, French Algeria expanded to Tripolitania to form French Africa
British protectorates over Constantinople, Persian Gulf established
Russian conquest of Armenia and Trebizond
Rumelian Genocide

  • Egypt forced to lower tariffs for 5 years
  • Gulf and Straits protectorates recognized by Egypt
  • Egypt forced to ban slavery
  • Ottoman Government in exile recognized as "Legitimate representative and symbolic leader of the Turkish people" by Egypt
  • Egyptian caliphal title recognized by the allies and the Ottoman government in exile
  • Rumelian refugees barred from settling on the Aegean and black sea coasts
  • Greeks and foreign investors compensated for lands confiscated by the Egyptian government

 Ottoman Empire

Phase 1

Egypt Khedivate of Egypt

Allied Powers: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland United Kingdom
 Austrian Empire
 Ottoman Empire

 East India Company

Anti-Egypt Arabian Rebels

Phase 2: Double Entente:
Egypt Khedivate of Egypt

Supported By:


Russia Alligned Powers:
 Russian Empire
Żejtun Thracian Military Administration
Emirate of Diriyah
Muscat and Oman Omani Empire

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland United Kingdom
 Austrian Empire
Ottoman Empire Ottoman Loyalists
Albanian Protectorate

 East India Company

Anti-Egypt Arabian Rebels

Phase 3:

Egypt Alawiyya Empire (Egypt)
Albanian Partisans

 Russian Empire
German Empire
UseNational flag Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag
UseCivil ensign Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag
UseState flag Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag
UseRoyal Standard
UseWar flag Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag
UseState and naval ensign Small vexillological symbol or pictogram in black and white showing the different uses of the flag
German Empire
Deutsches Reich (German) Imperium Germanicum (Latin)
Motto: Ehrlichkeit, Einheit, Freiheit

"Honesty, Unity, Freedom"
Royal Motto: Viribus Unitis

"With United Forces"
Anthem: O Deutschland hoch in Ehren
Vienna (Imperial Residence)
Official languagesGerman
Lutheran, Reformed, Other Christian
GovernmentFederal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Emperor of the Germans 
• 1849-
Franz Joseph I
LegislatureImperial Diet ("Reichstag")
House of the States
House of the People
Historical eraConcert of Europe
28 March 1849
16 July 1849
28 July 1849
2 February 1850
Preceded by
German Confederation