User:Harsha Cheemakurthy (KTH)/sandbox

This user is associated with the Royal Institute of Technology, in Sweden.

Harsha Cheemakurthy
Occupation: Doktorand

Department: Dept. of Engineering Mechanics
University: Royal Institute of Technology
Project: Royal Institute of Technology Wikipedia project

About me

I am a researcher working with urban waterborne mobility. My research project aims at illustrating modern waterborne commuter vessels, their design and how those year-around units are incorporated in tools for strategic public transport planning. The results contribute to developing the design of standardized smaller and lighter ferries and improving planning tools to assess effects on the transport system from the waterborne mode and its technology development. Main research questions are:

Which ship-type, shape and size is the most beneficial for public transport, considering functionality, manufacturing, operation, maintenance and recycling? Which materials and material concepts are best suited to meet this? How to assess and compare different multi-modal public transport solutions?

The project has three branches: Modular ship design Lightweight hull design for Nordic conditions Simulation-based strategic planning tool for multi-modal (rail-road-sea) public transport systems

The first two result from pre-studies by KTH Centre for Naval Architecture and the Stockholm County Council (SLL) in 2016-17. The third is a further development of the Swedish Transport Administration’s MATSim Stockholm model to incorporating the waterborne mode and its terminal solutions and new vessel concepts together with the land borne public transport system and road traffic. The project is presently supported by Swedish Transport Administration, Stockholm County Council and the Swedish maritime competence centre Lighthouse.

Research area

Naval Architecture focusing on conceptual ferry design; Multi-modal integration of waterborne public transportation; Hull - ice interaction;


[1] M. Tanko et al., "Water transit passenger perceptions and planning factors : A Swedish perspective," Travel Behaviour & Society, vol. 16, s. 23-30, 2019.

[2] M. Zhang et al., "Ice Pressure Prediction Based on the Probabilistic Method for Ice-Going Vessels in Inland Waterways," Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-Transactions of The Asme, vol. 141, no. 2, 2018.

[3] M. Tanko, M. Burke och H. Cheemakurthy, "Water Transit and Ferry-Oriented Development in Sweden : Comparisons with System Trends in Australia," Transportation Research Record, 2018.

Indexed conference publications

[4] M. Zhang et al., "An Analytical Model for Ice Impact Load Prediction," i The 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 16-21 June, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2019.

[5] H. Cheemakurthy et al., "Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Inland-Waterway Barge in Fresh Water Ice Conditions," i Proceedings of the Annual International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference : Proceedings of The Twenty-ninth (2019) International OCEAN AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 2019, s. 799-806.

[6] M. Zhang et al., "ICE PRESSURE PREDICTION BASED ON THE PROBABILISTIC METHOD FOR ICE-GOING VESSELS IN INLAND WATERWAYS," i PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OCEAN, OFFSHORE AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING, 2018, VOL 8, 2018. [7] H. Cheemakurthy et al., "Statistical estimation of uncertainties associated with ship operations in fresh water ice," i Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2018, s. 1608-1615.

Technical Reports

[8] H. Cheemakurthy, "Urban waterborne public transport systems: An overview of existing operations in world cities," Stockholm, Sweden : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-AVE, 978-91-7729-648-5, 2017.