Erol Anar Havza, Turkey, studied courses in anthropology, art history and painting at universities in Istanbul, Ankara and Samsun. He was a member of the Turkish Writers' Association (Edebiyatçilar Dernegi) worked at the Center for Contemporary Art in Ankara where he was a reading advisor for Dostoievski's work and universal literature for ten years.

He wrote in several newspapers, several articles were about art, human rights, literature and everyday life. He also had interviews published in newspapers in several countries and has 15 books published in the Turkish language. Currently resides in Brazil, some of his articles were published in the Expresso Folha de Londrina session.

Awards 3rd place in the 1997 Journalist Musa Anter Award (journalist Musa Anter was murdered for his ideas), Istanbul 2nd place in the Journalist Musa Anter Award 1998 Hellman-Hammeth Foundation (Freedom of Speech Award) 1997, New York Honorable Mention, XVII National Competition, Ponta-Grossense Academy of Letters and Arts, Brazil, 2010