Hi, i'm Heath and I live in Manchester, England. I love Wikipedia because it has taught me so much. I like to do my little bit in the Wikipedia community and below are the specific pages that I am dedicated to. I am honoured to share a bit of my own personal knowledge on the following subjects. May the force be with us all. ^_^
My Wiki focuses:
- Aksel Lund Svindal
- Anja Pärson
- Bente Skari
- Bjørn Dæhlie
- Bjørn Einar Romøren
- Emil Hegle Svendsen
- Halvard Hanevold
- Ingemar Stenmark
- Marit Bjørgen
- Ole Einar Bjørndalen
- Petter Northug
- Thomas Alsgaard
- Tora Berger
- Vegard Ulvang