K.E. Mitchell


Daily user and willing contributor


enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
es-2Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
ru-1Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
 This user is a
Texas Longhorn.

I am a college student at the University of Texas at Austin.

I am studying Plan II and Russian Language.

I am fluent in English (American variety, Southern dialect), and approaching fluency in Argentinian Spanish. I am an advanced Russian student as well.

I am fluent in numerous programming languages, a Mac OS X and Linux user, an avid LaTeX typesetter, and supporter of standards-compliant web technologies like XHTML and CSS.

Religiously, I am best (but not comfortably) described as Theopanistic, which is occasionally called Panentheism for reasons we Theopanistic-pseudo-panentheists are too easy to care about.

My musical interests extend to composition and percussion performance. As a listener, I prefer jazz (Charles_Mingus and Dave_Brubeck especially), the classical works of Rimsky-Korsakov and his ilk (e.g. Igor_Stravinsky and Sergei_Prokofiev), and experimental rock music (Talk Talk, Tortoise (band) Radiohead, Mogwai, Broken Social Scene, etc...).

I produce artwork digitally via a graphics tablet and western pen and ink when I get the time and the inkling.

I read modern literature voraciously, and love it.



I intend to expand information in the Wikipedia pertaining to the University of Texas when i can, and to check and contribute to science articles in my fields of study and interest as I reach them. When i catch typo, grammar, and style issues, i fix them. If I ever get around to it, I'd like to look into writing some bots to pull info in off the Russian 'net. Time will tell.

I also do diagrams, but so far haven't had much time to make much that's upload-worthy.