Hell... A Trilogy is a psychological thriller written and directed by Keith Vanderlaan & Steve Berkowitz and produced by Stephen McEveety's Mpower Pictures. The story is being told in three installments to be released in 2013.


The pursuit of forbidden love triggers the downward spiral of a young woman into a hell from which there is no escape.

Part 1

HELL… A TRILOGY : A DAY IN HELL – Some things are better left unknown.

A young woman who doesn’t know who or where she is takes shelter in a remote house while she tries to find help and learn who she is.

Part 2

HELL… A TRILOGY : ANOTHER DAY IN HELL – There comes a point when you can never go home.

After a personal tragedy a young woman heads back to her family home for comfort but only finds fear.

Part 3

HELL… A TRILOGY : THE ROAD TO HELL – Love triangles never end well.

A young woman’s decision to confront her boyfriend’s infidelity sets events in motion that will destroy their lives forever.