can i jus talk abt how i feel plz yeah ok so i feel like me whole world is falling apart my girlfriend left me for a really great guy i will admit that he is a great funny tall handsome guy but idk i jsu dont feel good abt him and some of you might say i sound jealous bc i dont have her anymore but im not shes my ex so i have to move on oh yeah im bi im also a girl but she jus kinda got up and left idk idrc but other than that my life is not the best. my parents are always arguing and they took my phone away not important tho my dad always leaves us i just want him to leave us for good which is prolly not a good thing to say abt your dad but idc oh yeah we also got ripped off 700 dollars and i got hit by a car which wasnt fun at all i have a small scar under my boob i had a small cuncution anyways i will keep everyone updated later my bubs