
Welcome to my user page


I'm a student of English, German and Geography at the University of Freiburg and this winter semester I take the course "Translating Wikipedia". In this course, we want to improve our translation skills by translating German Wikipedia articles into English. Our teacher is OberMegaTrans and I am glad to have the opportunity to train my translation skills in a real-world setting. Furthermore, I am really excited to be part of the Wikipedia community...

My user name


You might wonder why I chose HERBSTBLÜTE as my user name. That is actually a good question. It is really difficult to create a user name that does not already exist. Therefore, I had to be creative... While I was thinking about various names, I looked out of the window and... Can you guess what I saw? It was one of these beautiful autumn days. The sun was shining and the leaves had all sorts of colours: red, yellow, orange, green, brown... At that moment, I knew that I wanted to have a user name that has to do with autumn. I then created the name HERBSTBLÜTE which consists of the two German words for AUTUMN and FLOWER. Afterwards, I found this nice quote by Albert Camus on Wikiquotes which fits perfectly:

                                    AUTUMN is a second spring when every leaf is a FLOWER.

Members of our course












My suggested articles


Rungholt: Rungholt was an island in the North Sea that sank in 1362 because of a storm tide. There are many legends and myths about this little island and it would make fun to translate this article into English.

Hegau: Hegau is an extinct vulcanic landscape in southern Germany and the English article is a way too short.

Asylrecht (Deutschland): The rising number of refugees coming to the European Union makes it necessary to explain the German asylum policy to those who want to live here. I think that it would help to translate the German article into English so that most of the refugees are able to read and understand the German asylum policy.

Translated articles

  1. As a first project, we translated the German article Konzerthaus Freiburg. If you are interested in what we were doing here, then visit our "Konzerthaus work page". The article is now finished and you can find it here.
  2. Our second project is the translation of the German article Grünanlagen Freiburg. The article Green Spaces in Freiburg is now online and you can find our workpage here.
  3. Our last project is: Top Secret!

My work log

  1. Konzerthaus Freiburg: dividing our article into paragraphs (1 hour); translating my paragraph (207 words, 2 hours); translating another paragraph (109 words, 1 hour); proof-reading (177 words, 1.5 hours); publishing our first article: reading help-pages; creating a user's work in progress page; adding my final translation, a bibliography, categories, an external link and interlanguage links; moving the user's work in progress page to the namespace (4.5 hours); ranking (0.5 hours)
  2. Grünanlagen Freiburg: translating my paragraphs (306 words, 3 hours); correcting my text according to the comments (0.5 hours); adding categories and templates (0.75 hours); proof-reading (302 words, 2.5 hours); editing the article (1.5 hours); contributing to AfD (Article for Deletion) discussion (0.75 hours); adding links to our articles (Freiburg Botanical Garden and Law of Germany; 0.5 hours)
  3. Secret project: structuring our work page (1 hour); translating my paragraphs (300 words, 3 hours); translating my paragraphs (244 words, 2 hours); other tasks like translating the headlines (1 hour); adding my final translation with references, links, etc. (1.5 hours)