Hello! :) I like a lot of things.

About me!

  • I like a lot of things, including, but not limited to, math, reading, history, Roman history, English history, linguistics, learning random etymologies of words, crossword puzzles, grammar, em dashes, sometimes semicolons, lists, Wikipedia, consistent formatting, sunrises, sunsets, running out of shampoo and conditioner at the same time, buying a new type of shampoo/conditioner that smells particularly good, applesauce, piano, classical music, chocolate chip cookies, using hyphens correctly, pretending to know how to use hyphens correctly, trying really hard to be pretentious in general, the feeling when I spend forever grasping at a word and finally hit upon the correct one, the word "whence," the word "heretofore," people who know that ending a sentence with a preposition is not grammatically incorrect and was an arbitrary rule created in an attempt to Latinize English or something like that, people who know that and don't care anyway and will still purposely construct sentences in such a way that the preposition with which they should have ended the sentence or clause is no longer found at the end, self-aggrandizement (but only when it's coming from me), the word "comprise" when used properly, the Oxford comma, calling the Oxford comma the Oxford comma and not the serial comma, run-on sentences, sentences with a fantastic amount of dependent clauses, parenthetical statements, the word "fantastic," and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
  • I dislike a lot of things, including, but not limited to, public restrooms, strawberry ice cream, and, at times, semicolons.

Real Userboxes

 This user is a participant in WikiProject Latin.
 This user is a participant in
WikiProject Mathematics.
 This user is a member of
WikiProject Cleanup.
 This user is a member of
the Guild of Copy Editors.
 This user has participated in 2 Copy Editing Project Blitzes with the Guild of Copy Editors.
 This user has participated in 1 Backlog Elimination Drive with the Guild of Copy Editors.