
  • (Private)


# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-

(C) Legoktm, 2008 

 Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

__version__ = '$Id: $'

This script creates stubs for NHL players and talk pages

You are responsible for all edits made using this script

You can find information about hockey players at

*Convert to hockey-reference website
*Incorporate persondata
*Taskforces on talk page (partially done)
*Former teams
*Career stats

*Approved for 50 edits trial (25 articles, 25 talk pages)
import wikipedia, pagegenerators, catlib
from legoktm import *
from hockey2 import *
import webbrowser, shlex, re
#prepare for writing
name = raw_input("Player\'s name: ")
print "Writing article for " + name + "."
site = wikipedia.getSite()
if wikipedia.Page(site, name).exists() == True:
	print "Adding disambiguator \'(ice hockey)\'"
	realname = name + " (ice hockey)"
	print "Page will be created at " + realname
	realname = name
hockeyref = hockeyref(name)
print "Opening hockey-reference page for " + name"" + hockeyref)"" + name)
image = raw_input("Image for " + name + ".  Leave blank for none.")
imagebox = "{{Infobox Ice Hockey Player\n| image = " + image
image_caption = raw_input("Caption for [[Image:" + image + "]].  Leave blank for none.")
imagecaptbox = "\n| image_caption   = " + image_caption
positionr = raw_input("Does he play [c]enter, [l]eft wing, [r]ight wing, [d]efense, or [g]oalie? ")
if positionr == "c":
	position = "[[Centre (ice hockey)|Centre]]" 
elif positionr == "l":
	position = "[[Winger_(sport)#Ice_hockey|Left wing]]"
elif positionr == "r":
	position = "[[Winger_(sport)#Ice_hockey|Right wing]]"
elif positionr == "g":
	position = "[[Goaltender]]"
elif positionr == "d":
	position = "[[Defenceman (ice hockey)|Defence]]"
	position = positionr
print name + " plays the position of ", position
posbox = "\n| position = " + position
shoots = raw_input("Does player shoot/catch [l]eft or [r]ight? ")
if shoots == "l":
	shoots = "Left"
elif shoots == "r":
	shoots = "Right"
if position == "[[Goaltender]]":
	catch_shoot = "catches"
	catch_shoot = "shoots"
catshotbox = "\n| "+catch_shoot+"   = " + shoots
htft = raw_input("??? feet ")
htft = str(htft)
hftbox = "\n| height_ft       = " + htft
htin = raw_input("and inches ")
htin = str(htin)
hinbox = "\n| height_in       = " + htin
weight = raw_input("Weight in pounds: ")
weight = str(weight)
weibox = "\n| weight_lb       = " + weight
print name, " is ", htft, "ft, ", htin, "inches and weighs ", weight, " lbs."
nationraw = raw_input("Nationality is: (full country name, shortcuts: [can][usa][rus][swe][czech]) ")
if nationraw == "can":
	nation = "Canada"
elif nationraw == "usa":
	nation = "United States"
elif nationraw == "rus":
	nation = "Russia"
elif nationraw == "swe":
	nation = "Sweden"
elif nationraw == "czech":
	nation = "Czech Republic"
	nationraw = nation
natbox = "\n| nationality     = " + nation
if nationraw == "usa":
	stubtag = "{{US-icehockey-bio-stub}}"
elif nationraw == "Finland":
	stubtag = "{{Finland-icehockey-bio-stub}}"
elif nationraw == "rus":
	stubtag = "{{Russia-icehockey-bio-stub}}"
elif nationraw == "czech":
	stubtag = "{{CzechRepublic-icehockey-bio-stub}}"
elif nationraw == "Slovakia":
	stubtag = "{{Slovakia-icehockey-bio-stub}}"
elif nationraw == "swe":
	stubtag = "{{Sweden-icehockey-bio-stub}}"
elif nationraw == "can":
	if positionr == "c":
		stubtag = "{{Canada-icehockey-centre-stub}}"
	elif positionr == "d":
		stubtag = "{{Canada-icehockey-defenceman-stub}}"
	elif positionr == "l" or positionr == "r":
		stubtag = "{{Canada-icehockey-winger-stub}}"
	elif positionr == "g":
		stubtag = "{{Canada-icehockey-goaltender-stub}}"
		stubtag = "{{Canada-icehockey-player-stub}}"
	stubtag = "{{icehockey-bio-stub}}"
print "Using the stubtag of: " + stubtag
hockeycat = hockeycat(nationraw, positionr)
league = "[[National Hockey League]]"
leagueabbr = "[[National Hockey League|NHL]]"
leaguebox = "\n| league   = " + leagueabbr
team = raw_input(name + " plays for which team? ")
teamlink = wikilink(nhlshort(team))
formerteams = formerteams(formerteams)
ftbox = "| former_teams = " + formerteams
byear = raw_input("Born in what year: ")
bmonth = raw_input("Born in what month: ")
bday = raw_input("Born on what day: ")
dyear = raw_input("Died in which year: ")
if len(dyear) > 0:
	died = True
	dmonth = raw_input("Died in which month: ")
	dday = raw_input("Died in what day: ")
	dboxtemp = "\n| death_date = {{death date and age|" + dyear + "|" + dmonth + "|" + dday + "|" + byear + "|" + bmonth + "|" + bday + "|mf=y}}"
	print dboxtemp
	btemplate = "{{Birth date|" + str(byear) + "|" + str(bmonth) + "|" + str(bday) + "|mf=y}}"
	died = False
	btemplate = "{{Birth date and age|" + str(byear) + "|" + str(bmonth) + "|" + str(bday) + "|mf=y}}"
	dboxtemp = ""
	dday = ""
	dmonthname = ""
bmonthtext = month(bmonth)
if len(dday) == 0:
	btext = "(born " + bmonthtext + " " + bday + ", " + byear + ") "
	dmonthname = month(dmonth)
	btext = "(" + bmonthtext + " " + bday + ", " + byear + "–" + dmonthname + " " + dday + ", " + dyear + ") "
bvartext = bmonthtext + " " + bday + ", " + byear
print btemplate
namesplit = shlex.split(name)
if died == False:
	lifetime = "{{Lifetime|" + byear + "|LIVING|" + namesplit[1] + ", " + namesplit[0] + "}}\n"
	lifetime = "{{Lifetime|" + byear + "|" + dyear + "|" + namesplit[1] + ", " + namesplit[0] + "}}\n"
print lifetime
btempbox = "\n| birth_date      = " + btemplate + dboxtemp
bplace = raw_input("Born where: ")
pagecheck(bplace) #check if the place exists to wikilink
bbox = "\n|birth_place = " + bplace
draftnum = raw_input("Number drafted overall: ")
if len(draftnum) == 0:
	print "Player not drafted."
	draft = str(draftnum)
	draftcat = ""
	dbox = ""
	dftyear = ""
	dteam = ""
	draft = str(draftnum) + "th overall"
	dbox = "\n| draft    = " + draft
	dftyear = raw_input("Drafted in what year: ")
	dftyear = str(dftyear)
	dyear = "\n| draft_year      = " + dftyear
	dftteam = raw_input("Drafted by what team: (use [p] if is team plays for now)")
	if dftteam == "p":
		dftteam = team
	dteam = "\n| draft_team      = " + dftteam
	draftcat = "\n[[Category:" + team + " draft picks]]"
cstart = raw_input("Career started in: ")
cstart = str(cstart)
cstbox = "\n| career_start    = " + cstart
cend = raw_input("Career ended in: (last year playing) ")
cend = str(cend)
if len(cend) != 0:
	playsnow = "who played"
	teambox = "\n| played_for = " + teamlink
	playsnow = "that plays"
	teambox = "\n| team = " + teamlink
cenbox = "\n| career_end = " + cend + "\n}}\n"
hockeyrefnum = raw_input("Hockeyref id: ")
hockeyref = unicodify(hockeyrefnum)
#what article will contain
infobox = imagebox + imagecaptbox + posbox + catshotbox + hftbox + hinbox + weibox + natbox + leaguebox + teambox + ftbox + btempbox + dbox + dyear + dteam + bbox + cstbox + cenbox
text = "'''" + name + "''' " + btext + "is a [[Professional sports#Ice hockey|professional]] hockey player " + playsnow + " for the " + team + " in the " + league + "."
if len(draftcat) != 0:
	categories = "[[Category:" + team + " players]]" + hockeycat
	categories = "\n[[Category:" + team + " players]]" + draftcat + hockeycat
persondatatemplate = persondata(name, bvartext, bplace, died, dmonthname, dday, dyear)
other = "==External links==\n* {{hockeyref|" + hockeyref + "|" + name + "}}\n\n" + persondatatemplate
fullcontent = infobox + "\n" + text + "\n" + other + categories + lifetime + stubtag
print fullcontent
#write it to wiki
wikipedia.setAction("Creating article on " + name + " (Trial [[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/Hockeybot|BRFA]])")
fullcontent = unicodify(fullcontent)
p1 = wikipedia.Page(site, realname)
if p1.exists() == False:
	wikipedia.output(">>Creating %s" % p1.title() )
	wikipedia.output("Done with article!")
	if nationraw == "swe":
		tfs = "|Sweden-task-force= yes\n"
		tfs = ""
	if nationraw == "can":
		otherproj = "{{WPCANADA\n|class=Stub\n|importance=Low\n|sport=yes\n|nested=yes\n}}"
	elif nationraw == "usa":
		otherproj = "{{WikiProject United States\n|class=Stub\n|importance=Low\n|nested=yes\n}}"
	elif nationraw == "rus":
		otherproj = "{{WikiProject Russia\n|nested=yes\n|class=Stub\n|importance=Low\n}}"
	elif nationraw == "czech":
		otherproj = "{{WikiProject Czech Republic\n|class=Stub\n|importance=Low\n|nested=yes\n}}"
	elif nationraw == "swe":
		otherproj = "{{WPSweden\n|nested=yes\n|class=Stub\n|importance=Low\n}}"
		otherproj = ""
	otherproj = otherproj + "}}"

	talkpage = "{{WikiProjectBannerShell|1=\n{{ice hockey\n|class=stub\n|needs-photo=yes\n" + tfs + "|nested=yes\n}}\n{{WPBiography\n|living = yes \n|class = stub \n|priority = low \n|sports-work-group = yes\n|needs-photo = yes\n|nested=yes\n}}\n" + otherproj
	wikipedia.setAction("Creating talk page for " + name + " (Trial [[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/Hockeybot|BRFA]])")
	talkname = "Talk:" + realname
	p2 = wikipedia.Page(site, talkname)
	if p2.exists() == False:
    		wikipedia.output(">>Creating %s" % p2.title() )
		wikipedia.output(">>%s exists" % p2.title() )
	wikipedia.output("Done with talk page!")
	page = realname
	newtext = '*{{la|' + page + '}} was created at ~~~~~\n' 
	log = "User:Hockeybot/Log"
	logpage = Page(site, log)
	newtext = newtext + logpage.get()
	summary = 'Adding ' + page + ' to log'
	print summary
	logpage.put(newtext, summary)
	print "Done adding " + page + " to log.""")
	wikipedia.output(">>%s exists" % p1.title() )
#update code if necessary
scriptpage = wikipedia.Page(site, "User:Hockeybot/Code")
summary = 'Updating source code'
code1 = ""
code2 = ""
text1 = file(code1).read()
text2 = file(code2).read()
toptext = '==Files==\n*\n*\n* (Private)\n\n'
text = toptext + '==Code==\n{{collapse top|}}\n<syntaxhighlight lang="python">\n' + text1 + '\n</sou' + 'rce>\n{{collapse bottom}}\n{{collapse top|}}\n<syntaxhighlight lang="python">\n' + text2 + '\n</sou' + 'rce>'
text = unicodify(text)
if scriptpage.get() != text:
    scriptpage.put(text, summary)
	print 'No need to update code'
# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-

(C) Legoktm, 2008

 Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

__version__ = '$Id: $'

This script creates stubs for NHL players and talk pages

You are responsible for all edits made using this script

You can find information about hockey players at
from legoktm import *
import wikipedia
def hockeycat(nationraw, positionr):
	if nationraw == "can":
		if positionr == "c":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey centres]]"
		elif positionr == "d":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey defencemen]]"
		elif positionr == "g":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey goaltenders]]"
		elif positionr == "l":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey right wingers]]"
		elif positionr == "r":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey left wingers]]"
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "usa":
		if positionr == "c":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey centres]]"
		elif positionr == "d":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey defencemen]]"
		elif positionr == "g":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey goaltenders]]"
		elif positionr == "l":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey right wingers]]"
		elif positionr == "r":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey left wingers]]"
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "rus":
		hockeycat = "[[Category:Russian ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "czech":
		hockeycat = "[[Category:Czech ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "swe":
		hockeycat = "[[Category:Swedish ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "Finland":
		hockeycat = "[[Category:Finnish ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "Slovakia":
		hockeycat = "[[Category:Slovak ice hockey players]]"
		hockeycat = ""
	print "Using the category of: " + hockeycat
	hockeycat = "\n" + hockeycat
	return hockeycat

def persondata(name, bvartext, bplace, died, dmonthname, dday, dyear):
	import shlex
	namesplit = shlex.split(name)
	top = "\n<!-- Metadata: see [[Wikipedia:Persondata]] -->\n{{Persondata\n|NAME = " + namesplit[0] + " , " + namesplit[1] + "\n"
	descrip = "\n|SHORT DESCRIPTION = Professional ice hockey player"
	dbirth = "\n|DATE OF BIRTH     = " + bvartext
	pbirth = "\n|PLACE OF BIRTH    = " + bplace
	if died == True:
		ddeath = "\n|DATE OF DEATH     = " + dmonthname + " " + dday + ", " + dyear
		ddeath = "\n|DATE OF DEATH     = "
	fullpersondata = top + descrip + dbirth + pbirth + ddeath + "}}"
	return fullpersondata

def hockeyref(name):
	import shlex
	name = shlex.split(name)
	firstn = name[0]
	print firstn
	lastn = name[1]
	print lastn
	url = lastn[0] + "/" + lastn[0] + lastn[1] + lastn[2] + lastn[3] + lastn[4] + firstn[0] + firstn[1]
	url = url.lower()
	return url

def hockeycat(nationraw, positionr):
	if nationraw == "can":
		if positionr == "c":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey centres]]"
		elif positionr == "d":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey defencemen"
		elif positionr == "g":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey goaltenders]]"
		elif positionr == "l":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey right wingers]]"
		elif positionr == "r":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey left wingers]]"
			hockeycat = "[[Category:Canadian ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "usa":
		if positionr == "c":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey centres]]"
		elif positionr == "d":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey defencemen"
		elif positionr == "g":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey goaltenders]]"
		elif positionr == "l":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey right wingers]]"
		elif positionr == "r":
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey left wingers]]"
			hockeycat = "[[Category:American ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "rus":
		hockeycat = "[[Category:Russian ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "czech":
		hockeycat = "[[Category:Czech ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "swe":
		hockeycat = "[[Category:Swedish ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "Finland":
		hockeycat = "[[Category:Finnish ice hockey players]]"
	elif nationraw == "Slovakia":
		hockeycat = "[[Category:Slovak ice hockey players]]"
		hockeycat = ""
	hockeycat = "\n" + hockeycat
	print "Using the category of: " + hockeycat
	return hockeycat

def nhlshort(team):
	if team == "njd":
		team = "New Jersy Devils"
	elif team == "nyi":
		team = "New York Islanders"
	elif team == "nyr":
		team = "New York Rangers"
	elif team == "ppf":
		team = "Philadelphia Flyers"
	elif team == "pit":
		team = "Pittsburgh Penguins"
	elif team == "bos":
		team = "Boston Bruins"
	elif team == "buf":
		team = "Buffalo Sabres"
	elif team == "mon":
		team = "Montreal Canadiens"
	elif team == "ott":
		team = "Ottawa Senators"
	elif team == "tor":
		team = "Toronto Maple Leafs"
	elif team == "atl":
		team = "Atlanta Thrashers"
	elif team == "car":
		team = "Carolina Hurricanes"
	elif team == "flor":
		team = "Florida Panthers"
	elif team == "tbl":
		team = "Tampa Bay Lightning"
	elif team == "wash":
		team = "Washington Capitals"
	elif team == "chic":
		team = "Chicago Blackhawks"
	elif team == "cbj":
		team = "Columbus Blue Jackets"
	elif team == "drw":
		team = "Detroit Red Wings"
	elif team == "nash":
		team = "Nashville Predators"
	elif team == "stl":
		team = "St. Louis Blues"
	elif team == "cal":
		team = "Calgary Flames"
	elif team == "col":
		team = "Colorado Avalance"
	elif team == "edm":
		team = "Edmonton Oilers"
	elif team == "min":
		team = "Minnesota Wild"
	elif team == "van":
		team = "Vancouver Canucks"
	elif team == "ana":
		team = "Anaheim Ducks"
	elif team == "dal":
		team = "Dallas Stars"
	elif team == "lak":
		team = "Los Angeles Kings"
	elif team == "phx":
		team = "Phoenix Coyotes"
	elif team == "sjs":
		team = "San Jose Sharks"
		print 'You entered an invalid choice.'
	return team	
def formerteams(var):
	team1 = raw_input("What former teams did he play for? ")
	if len(team1) > 0:
		team1 = wikilink(nhlshort(team1))
		print team1
		yearnumber = input("Start year? ")
		yearnumber2 = input("End year? ")
		#code from (C) Legoktm (MIT License)
		yearset1 = int(yearnumber)
		if yearnumber >= 2000: #if above 2000, then subtract by 2000, not 1900
			yearset2 = int(yearnumber) - 1900 + 1
			yearset3 = int(yearnumber) - 2000 + 1
			yearset2 = "0" + str(yearset3) #add preceding 0
		print yearset2
		yearset12 = int(yearnumber2)
		if yearnumber2 >= 2000: #if above 2000, then subtract by 2000, not 1900
			yearset22 = int(yearnumber2) - 1900 + 1
			yearset32 = int(yearnumber2) - 2000 + 1
			yearset22 = "0" + str(yearset32) #add preceding 0
		yearsettemp  = str(yearset1)  + "-" + str(yearset2)   + " NHL season|" + yearnumber 
		yearsettemp2 = str(yearset12) + "-" + str(yearset22) + " NHL season|" + yearnumber2
		yearsettemp  = wikilink(yearsettemp)
		yearsettemp2 = wikilink(yearsettemp2)
		var = team1 + " (" + yearsettemp + "-" + yearsettemp2 + ")<br />"
		print var
		var = ""
	return var