1. Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic? Is there anything that distracted you?

Upon viewing the Wikipedia page of Chis Cloud I noticed that is it significantly lacking any relevant or updated information on Chris Cloud. The last edit made to the page was made five years ago, and it is the only reference on the page. The article only provides a stats list for Chis and a very vague description of the professional ice hockey player. I feel as if this article needs to be updated on his current events in his ice hockey career and any achievements made by the athlete as well. By content, the article is very empty, it needs quite a bit of information added to it in regards to other aspects of Chis Cloud's life and career as an aboriginal Canadian hockey player.

2. Is any information out of date? Is anything missing that could be added?

A considerable amount of information could be added to Chris Cloud's article. Such as an outline of his career path through the WHL, CHL, ECHL, and finally the AHL, as little to no information is given about his performance highlights in any of the leagues he was apart of and is apart of today. The article could also benefit from information on other sport domains Chris has been apart of in the past or present, and his contributions to such teams as an aboriginal Canadian. Any information on his culture and heritage as an aboriginal in Canada could also be added to his article. I feel like it would supplement the document in a way that highlights his path towards becoming a professional athlete and give the article a sense of Canadian aboriginal and First Nations pride.

3. Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted?

Since there is a significant lack of information on this athlete, the article didn't appear to show any bias from any of the sources that were cited on the page. The article appears to be very neutral otherwise, nothing stood out to be severely biased or opinionated. Hollyblunt (talk) 00:59, 19 March 2017 (UTC)