User:Homestar-winner/List of characters in Homestar Runner

This is a list of all of the main characters in the popular Flash series Homestar Runner.

Homestar Runner


Homestar Runner has always been the star of, but he seems to have to fight Strong Bad for that title. He thinks that he "pretty much runs the show around here."[1] Homestar is not very smart, and this has gotten many other characters annoyed with him at times. He thinks of himself, and has been called by others, a terrific athlete. Homestar dates Marzipan, and this makes him the only main character on the site to have a girlfriend.

Strong Bad


Strong Bad is definitely the breakout character in the series, though his first appearance was in the original book that The Brothers Chaps had written before creating[2] Strong Bad became so popular once he got his own segment on the website called Strong Bad Emails. In these Strong Bad Emails, Strong Bad would receive an actual email from a fan of the site. He would then somehow answer whatever question the sender had asked, often after making fun of the sender in some way.

The Cheat


The Cheat is Strong Bad's pet. He is a diligent lackey to Strong Bad almost all of the time[3]. A notable characteristic of The Cheat is that he cannot speak English. He can only talk in high-pitched squeaks. Despite this, every other character seems to understand what he is saying. In his past time, The Cheat enjoys making Flash videos of himself and other characters. He is apparently not very good at it, and his videos always turn out very poorly. He has, to Homestar's dismay, dated Marzipan at least once.

Strong Mad


Strong Mad is the older brother of Strong Bad. He seems to have no volume control, and thus always screams whatever he is saying. Strong Mad seems to be a fan of many different sports, including football,[4] basketball,[5] and wrestling.[6] Strong Mad was once Strong Bad's partner in tag-team wrestling, but they both lost to Homestar and Pom Pom in a match. He is very fond of The Cheat and has gotten very upset and even cried when he once lost him.[7]

Strong Sad


Strong Sad is the younger brother of Strong Bad and Strong Mad. He seems to suffer from great depression, living by the philosophy "Each day we die a little more."[8] However, in more recent years, he seems to be living less like this. Strong Sad has few friends, the only possible ones being Marzipan and Homsar. Strong Sad has his own blog ("Strong Sad's Litany of Crushed Hopes and Dreams"), which he updates from time to time.

Pom Pom


Pom Pom is a big orange and yellow balloon-like character on Homestar Runner. He seems to always have something cool to do, such as a private school senior prom,[9] hanging out in a local party club, Club Technoclocolate,[10] or going to Sundance.[11]



Marzipan is the only girl on She is Homestar's girlfriend, but she has apparently broken up with him on several occasions. And even when the two are dating, Marzipn considers their relationship to be open,[12] having gone out with The Cheat and Bubs also. Marzipan is apparently a vegetarian, and she is also strongly committed to helping out the environment.

Coach Z


Coach Z is apparently the coach in Free Country, USA. Despite this, he knows little about sports, including not even knowing what a basketball is.[13] He has a bad speech problem that often causes to add "or"'s to words he says, such as "job" becoming "jorb".[14] Strong Sad once helped him to get rid of this problem by playing the word "job" over and over while Coach Z slept, though it did not seem to help for long. Coach Z tries to be a hip-hop artist, and has created a few rap songs such as "These Peoples Try to Fade Me".[15]



Bubs owns the local concession stand in Free Country. He usually does not seem to care about the quality of whatever he is selling, often attempting to rip customers off. He has sold some very strange items over the years, such as a Strong Sad voodoo doll,[16] a new pancreas,[17] and a box of chicken beaks.[18] He enjoys having conversations with Coach Z, though Coach Z has gotten on his nerves sometimes, once even to the point of Bubs constructing a parade float reading "Coach Z, you jerk!" Bubs enjoys attending night courses at Disco Tech,[19] and he also enjoys spending time at Club Technochocolate.[20]

The King of Town


The King of Town seems to be the ruler of Free Country, USA, though is is debatable whether he actually rules anything. He loves to eat food, no matter how gross it is. In fact, the only food that he will not east is peas and whatsit. He was once skinnier according to Strong Bad, and he got fat after eating a lifetime supply of fish sticks.[21]

The Poopsmith


The Poopsmith is a man who has been hired by the King of Town to shovel "whatsit" for a living for unknown reasons. He has taken a vow of silence and has never actually spoken in the series.[22] He seems to be a fan of science-fiction, as he often dresses up as a science-fiction character on Halloween.



Homsar is the strangest character in He was created after someone sent Strong Bad an email saying "If you hate Homsar so much, why don't you kill him?" "Homsar" was obvoiusly a misspelling of "Homestar". Despite this, Strong Bad proceeded to kill the new at the time character Homsar. Homsar does not seem to do much with others, though he has been seen playing connect four with Strong Sad once.[23] Usually, whenever he speaks, Homsar says a jumble of nearly meaningless words together such as "I'm a song from the sixties" and "This dinner party is top dollar".

