1. Name of fellow: Hom Phaly 2. Fellowship Code No.: KAM13008 3. Address in host country: Apartment Mediterania Gajah Mada , Jl.Gajah Mada No. 174, Jakarta Barat. 4. Starting date of training: 03/02/2014 5. Anticipated ending date of training: 28/03/2014 6. Name and full address of institution where training is taking place:

  Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), Jakarta, Indonesia.

7. If your fellowship is related to an IAEA technical co-operation project, give the IAEA project number and name of the national counterpart: Project Number: a) KAM/2/001: Developing the National Capacity in Energy Planning and Economy. b) KAM/9/001: Establishment of the National Radiation Safety Infrastructure. National counterpart: Mr. Heng Kunleang (Director& NLO, Energy Development Department, Cambodia). 8. Name of your training supervisor at training institution and his position:

           Mr. Zainal Arifin, Director, Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive        Sources.

9. Describe in detail the training programmed that you have established in co-operation with your training supervisor:

 The training programmed for the second month covered the following topics:

1) In the first week I had participated in training course on detection equipment and lab support for regulatory activities, development of quality assurance oversight, development of emergency preparedness and response. After I had visited to protection radiation lab, environment lab; security and safeguard system. I get Overview of RDMS (radiological Monitoring Systems) in Bapeten, then I had practiced on Radiological Monitoring Systems and Overview about Compliance testing x-ray diagnostic and radiographic x-ray test report. I had visited with at RS Sitra Harapan hospital; Practiced on compliance testing of mobile radiographic x-ray equipment. 2) And the second week, I had participated in training course with discussion of regulation assessment (literature study, field visit) in the development of diagnostic reference level: Theory (1D), field survey (2D) and Data analysis (2D). After I got introduction of centre’s security and resource, Point conversation and national report presentation Programme. General overview of DRL dose reference level, Introduced of requirement or DRL survey, Technical guidance for design in Equipment in radiotherapy, Technical Guidance for optimization, Technical Guidance for TENORM, DRL software for national survey and each follow make a presentation about the responsibilities of registrants and licensees relate to appropriate referral and to “appropriate provision of information” to patient of the expected benefits and risks in the their country. 3) In 3rd week I had visited at Batan Serpong a) I had visited to centre for Multipurpose Reactor the directorate had been Presentation about Batan Serpong and its reactor technology and on reactor utilisation and radioisope production, we are lucky beacause we saw the equipment for new technology and location building big here. Team all participant had visit to reactor (main control room, reactor core, beam tubes) b)Visited to centre for radioisotope and radiopharmaceuticals ( PTRR- Batan) The directorate of Centre for radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical Presentation on PTRR. After I had visited location radioisotope radiopharmaceutical produced there. We saw equipment import from Germany new technology. c)Visit to centre for radioactive Waste Management Technology (RTLR-Bapeten). The directorate of centre had been Presentation of radioactive waste Management, Presentation of radioactive waste management for industrial and medical facilities, Transportation and approval of radioactive waste and on radiation protection in radioactive waste management. I have visited to storage location building of radioactive waste Management facilities (IPLR), radioactive waste interim storage and transfer channel-interim storage for spent fuel, Demo on storage of short-live radioactive waste. 4)4th week I had visited to centre for radiation Safety and Metrology ( PTKMR- Batan) at Batan Pasar Jumat •The directorate of centre had been Presentation about PTKMR, Management system of the centre, Radiation protection activities in the centre: research and practices. I have visited building to PTMR facilities. I saw equipment produce TLD, equipment check chromosome and equipment diagnostic radiological. •The directorate of centre of Batan HQ had been Presentation on SSDL activities, then I visited at SSDL facilities there are equipment as Co-60, x- ray and survey metre. 10.If your fellowship is related to an IAEA technical co-operation project , describe how the training programme that has been established will provided with the skills and experience required by the project: The training programme will provide me with skills and experience on the Regulatory Control of Medical Facilities. Addition knowledge around on reactor utilisation and radioisotope produced, Radioactive Waste Management Technology, radioactive waste management for industrial and medical facilities, radioactive interim storage and transfer channel-interim storage for spent fuel. It provide new idea and information from training course here through experience from all lectures for draft Cambodian Nuclear Law follow standard of International Atomic Energy Agency in future. It will assist me contribute more efficiently to improve the Regulatory Control System in the field mentioned in Cambodia.

Date: 28 /03/2014 Signature of fellow

                              Mr. Hom Phaly