
PowerBASIC is a variant of the BASIC programming language. Its syntax is very close to GWBasic, QBasic, and Turbo BASIC. It compiles to native code on PCs (DOS and Win32). The executable files it creates are compact, run fast, and require no runtime dependencies. PowerBASIC compilers are made by PowerBASIC Inc. and are the successor of Turbo BASIC (MSDOS) which was published by Borland International, itself a successor of BASIC/Z (CP/M, MDOS).

PowerBASIC compilers are a popular alternative to Visual Basic, yet actually compare well with C programming language compilers in terms of power. PowerBASIC can create and use DLLs. Unlike Visual Basic's large and mandatory runtime overhead, it is common for a sophisticated application written in PowerBASIC to be small enough to fit on a single floppy disk.
