This article will be about the street in New Orleans which is named after a famous saying who happened to be the grandmother of Jesus Christ. 

Background After the French claimed Louisiana, a general by the name of Jean Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville was in charge of developing the colony upon finding the city New Orleans in 1718. In 1721 the Royal engineer Adrian de Pauger created the layouts of the streets and names. He decided to name the streets after royal houses and beloved catholic saints, including which was St. Ann.

History St. Ann was the mother of the virgin Mary Who gave birth to Jesus Christ and grandmother of the lord and savior Jesus Christ. She was born from the House of David and her name is a Greek derivative from the name Hannah. In the Bible, you will find the story of Saint Anne. She was in fact married to her husband whose name was Joachim, However, they were having difficulty conceiving children. One day like the Virgin Mary an angel appeared before St and and promised that she would have a child and then about that she would dedicate this child so God. she was overjoyed when she conceived Mary who was said to be born free of sin (which in terms means to be born buy immaculate conception). Keep her vow to God Ann