
Did you know that peanut butter contains an average of 1 or more rodent hairs per 100 grams?

Also, because of the very high demand for sand, an illegal sand black market has arisen.

Bumblebees can fly as high as Mount Everest.

On April 23 2005, the first ever YouTube video was uploaded and its of its co-founder at the San Diego Zoo.

Someone actually tried to sell New Zealand on EBay.

The Russians arrived 12 days late to the 1908 Olympics because they were all using the wrong Calendar.

Usain Bolt has scoliosis.

The majority of people who live in Iceland believe in Elves.

Bubble wrap was originally created to be wallpaper.

A meteor exploded over earth with the force of 10 atomic bombs and no one noticed.

The heads on Easter Island actually have bodies.

The hottest place in the world is in Libya.

There are exactly 100 folds in a chefs toque.

The “M’s” in “M&M’s” stands for “Mars” and “Murie.”

The English word with the most definitions is “set.”

The dot over “i” and “j” is called a “tittle.”

Space actually smells like seared steak.

The longest wedding veil ever was as long as 63.5 football fields.

The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn.

A dozen bodies were once found in Benjamin Franklin’s basement.

Santa Claus was born in Turkey.

According to Amazon, the most popular Kindle books are The Bible, The Steve Jobs Biography, and The Hunger Games.

J.P. Morgan once offered $100,000 to anyone who could figure out why his face was so red. No one ever figured it out.

Prairie Dogs say hello with kisses.

In 2009 a search for The Loch Ness Monster came up empty. Scientists did find over 100,000 golf balls though.

In 1893, New Mexico States first graduating class only had one student in it. He was shot and killed before graduation.

The medical term for brain freeze is Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia.

Robert Chesebrough, the inventor of Vaseline, used to eat it.

Think about this. There could be an ultimate universe that is advanced enough to create a simulated universe and that simulated universe is advanced enough to create a simulated universe and so on. Are we just one of the trillions of simulated universes or are we the ultimate universe?
