User:Humus sapiens/sandbox/template

Part of the series
History of the Jews
in the Land of Israel

Ancient Israel and Judah

Patriarchs · Matriarchs
Children of Israel · Tribes of Israel
United Monarchy · Solomon's Temple
Kingdom of Israel · Kingdom of Judah
Assyrian siege · Ten Lost Tribes
Babylonian exile · Ezra · 2nd Temple
Great Assembly · Sanhedrin
Maccabees · Hasmoneans

Under Roman rule

Judaea Province · Herod · Schisms
Great Revolt · Bar Kokhba's revolt
Judah HaNasi · Rashbi · Hillel
Talmudic Academies
Jerusalem Talmud · Talmud Rabbis

Under Byzantine rule

Revolt against Heraclius
Tiberian vocalization · Masoretes

Under Muslim rule

Saadia Gaon · Ben Asher · Ramban
Yechiel · Yosef Karo · Isaac Luria
Judah HeHasid · Perushim
AIU · Montefiore · Rothschild · Herzl
Zionism (Timeline· Aliyah (1st, 2nd)
Hebrew revival · Kibbutz · Hashomer

Under British rule

Balfour · Weizman · Ben-Gurion
Vaad Leumi · Histadrut · Haganah
White papers (1922, 1939· Aliyah Bet
1947 UN Partition Plan

Modern Israel (History)

Independence · Law of Return
Jews from Arab lands · Refugees
Major wars: 1948 · 1967 · 1973
Economy · Culture · Politics · Religion

Related topics

Jewish history (Timeline)
Jerusalem in Judaism (Timeline)
Four Holy Cities · HaMachpela
Arab-Israeli conflict (History)
Israeli-Palestinian conflict (Timeline)

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