This page documents my contributions to the DYK page.

  • As Nominator = 2
  • As Contributor = 120

As Nominator


As Contributor


First 100


  • 9 December 2018: ... that Prince Nyi Kan-Kaung helped his half-brother Binnya Nwe seize the throne of Hanthawaddy Pegu, only to be executed by him some four years later?
  • 20 December 2018: ... that viceroy-general Sam Lek of Hanthawaddy retook Donwun with just 300 troops by employing the same ruse used by rebel forces to seize the town a year earlier?
  • 2 January 2019: ... that Chief Minister Zeik-Bye of Hanthawaddy persuaded Prince Binnya Nwe to revolt by saying that his mother Princess Maha Dewi was planning to put her lover on the throne?
  • 24 January 2019: ... that in his first battle, Prince Binnya Kyan and his brothers drove back the forces of Crown Prince Minye Kyawswa of Ava after being called "useless" by their father, King Razadarit of Pegu?
  • 6 June 2019: ... that the Hanthawaddy commander Smin Bayan is celebrated in Burmese history for driving back a Chinese invasion on behalf of his former enemy, Ava?

  • 1 September 2019: ... that Prince Min Nyo of Kale seized the throne of Ava by having his lover, Queen Shin Bo-Me, assassinate his eight-year-old nephew, King Min Hla?
  • 8 September 2019: ... that Prince Tarabya Minye Kyawhtin ceded the throne of Ava to his cousin Prince Min Nyo after marrying his deceased brother's favorite queen, Shin Saw Pu, in return?
  • 30 January 2020: ... that Prince Minye Kyawhtin, who had rebelled against three Ava kings for over 32 years, was killed by his own bodyguard for sexually assaulting the guard's sister?
  • 11 February 2020: ... that Le Than Bwa, a 15th-century commander-in-chief of Ava forces, left the battle scene after receiving a large bribe from the enemy, forcing King Nyo to flee Ava shortly afterwards?
  • 19 April 2020: ... that the Htupayon Pagoda in Sagaing, Myanmar, has been hit by at least five major earthquakes and rebuilt three times?

  Hook update
Your hook reached 10,165 views (423.5 per hour), making it one of the most viewed hooks of May 2022 – nice work!
  • 17 May 2022: ... that Thihapate withstood the siege of Taungdwin by King Thado Minbya of Ava until after his top commander was assassinated?
  • 21 May 2022: ... that when asked by the king to choose the weapon by which he would be executed, the outlaw Nga Tet Pya replied "I choose your most beautiful queen Saw Omma"?
  Hook update
Your hook reached 9,922 views (826.8 per hour), making it one of the most viewed hooks of May 2022 – nice work!
  • 15 June 2022: ... that Thihapate of Mohnyin, who was laying siege to Mogaung, refused the court's offer to be king of Ava, saying he was neither a son nor a younger brother of the king, and returned to the siege?

