Largest Egyptian pyramids

Pyramid name Dynasty Site Slope Base
(im m)
(im m)
(im m³)
Great Pyramid 4 Giza 51° 50' 40" 230.3 146.6 2,583,283
Pyramid of Khafre 4 Giza 53° 10' 215.3 143.5 2,211,096
Red Pyramid 4 Dahshur 43° 22' 220 105 1,694,000
Bent Pyramid 4 Dahshur 43° 22'
54° 27’ 44"
188 105 1,237,040
Pyramid of Meidum 4 Meidum 51° 50' 35" 144 92 638,733
Pyramid of Djoser 3 Saqqara Step pyramid 121 x 109 60 330,400
Pyramid of Senusret III 12 Dashur 56° 18' 35" 105 78 288,488
Pyramid of Amenemhat III 12 Dashur 57° 15' 50'' 105 75 274,625
Pyramid of Neferirkare 5 Abusir 53° 7' 48'' 105 72 257,250
Pyramid of Neferirkare 5 Abusir 53° 7' 48'' 105 72 257,250
Pyramid of Menkaure 4 Giza 51° 20' 25” 105 x 102 65 235,183
Pyramid of Senusret I 12 Lisht 49° 23' 55" 105 61.25 225,093
Pyramid of Amenemhat III 12 Hawara 48° 45' 105 58 200,158
Pyramid of Senusret II 12 Illahun 42° 35' 106 48.6 185,665
Mastabat al-Fir'aun 4 S.Saqqara 70° 100 x 74 18 148,271
Pyramid of Djedefre 4 Abu Rawash 52° 106 67 131,043
Pyramid of Amenemhat I 12 Lisht 54° 27' 44" 84 55 129,360
Pyramid of Nyuserre 5 Abusir 51° 50' 35'' 78.9 51.68 112,632
Pyramid of Djedkare 5 S.Saqqara 52° 78.75 52.5 107,835
Pyramid of Teti 6 Saqqara 53° 7' 48'' 78.75 52.5 107,835
Pyramid of Pepi I 6 S.Saqqara 53° 7' 48'' 78.75 52.5 107,835
Pyramid of Merenre 6 S.Saqqara 53° 7' 48'' 78.75 52.5 107,835
Pyramid of Pepi II 6 S.Saqqara 53° 7' 48'' 78.75 52.5 107,835
Pyramid of Sahure 5 Abusir 50' 11' 40'' 78.75 47 96,542
Pyramid of Userkaf 5 Saqqara 53° 7' 48'' 73.3 49 87,906
Pyramid of Unas 5 Saqqara 56° 18' 35'' 57.75 43 47,390


Map of the Giza necropolis

Saqqara North


Saqqara South


Old Kingdom

Site Owner Modern name Ancient name Image
3rd Dynasty
Saqqara Djoser Pyramid of Djoser  
Saqqara Sekhemkhet Buried Pyramid  
Zawyet el'Aryan Khaba


Layer Pyramid  
Abu Rawash Huni? Lepsius I Pyramid  
3rd or 4th Dynasty
Athribis Pyramid of Athribis  
Elephantine Pyramid of Elephantine
Edfu Edfu South pyramid
El-Kula Pyramid of el-Kula  
Toukh Pyramid of Naqada
Sinki Pyramid of Sinki
Minia Pyramid of Zawiyet el-Mayetin [de]  
4th Dynasty
Seila, Fayum Pyramid of Seila  
Meidum Sneferu Pyramid of Meidum Snefru endures  
Satellite pyramid
Dahshur Bent Pyramid Snefru shines in the South  
Satellite pyramid  
Dahshur Red Pyramid Snefru shines in the North  
Khufu's complex


Khufu Great Pyramid of Giza Khufu's horizon  
Satellite Pyramid G1-d  
Hetepheres Queen's Pyramid G1-a  
Meritites I? Queen's Pyramid G1-b  
Henutsen Queen's Pyramid G1-c  
Djedefre's complex

Abu Rawash

Djedefre Pyramid of Djedefre Djedefre's Starry Sky  
Satellite pyramid  
Queen of Djedefre Queen's pyramid
Zawyet el'Aryan Bikheris?


Northern Pyramid of Zawyet el'Aryan Star of ..?..-Ka
Khafre's complex


Khafre Pyramid of Khafre Khafre is great  
Satellite Pyramid G2-a  
Menkaure's complex


Menkaure Pyramid of Menkaure Menkaure is divine  
Khamerernebty II? Queen's Pyramid G3-a  
Queen of Menkaure Queen's Pyramid G3-b  
Queen of Menkaure Queen's Pyramid G3-c  
South Saqqara Shepseskaf Mastabat al-Fir'aun The Purified Pyramid  
Giza Khentkaus I Queen's Pyramid of Khentkaus I  
5th Dynasty
Dashur Menkauhor? Lepsius L Divine are the places of Ikauhor
Userkaf's complex


Userkaf Pyramid of Userkaf The pure sites of Userkaf  
Satellite pyramid
Neferhetepes Queen's pyramid
Sahure's complex


Sahure Pyramid of Sahure The ba (soul) of Sahure appears  
Satellite pyramid
Neferirkare's complex


Neferirkare Kakai Pyramid of Neferirkare The ba (soul) of Neferirkare  
Satellite pyramid
Abusir Neferefre Pyramid of Neferefre The power of Neferefre is divine  
Abusir Shepseskare Unfinished pyramid of North Abusir
Nyuserre's complex


Nyuserre Ini Pyramid of Nyuserre The seats of Niuserre will endure  
Satellite pyramid
Saqqara Menkauhor Kaiu Headless Pyramid The divine places of Menkauhor
Djedkare's complex

South Saqqara

Djedkare Isesi Pyramid of Djedkare-Isesi Beautiful is Djedkare  
Satellite pyramid
Setibhor Queen's pyramid of Setibhor
Satellite pyramid
Unas' complex

North Saqqara

Unas Pyramid of Unas Beautiful is Djedkare  
Satellite pyramid
6th Dynasty
Teti's complex

North Saqqara

Teti Pyramid of Teti The places of Teti are enduring  
Satellite pyramid
Iput Queen's pyramid of Iput
Khuit Queen's pyramid of Khuit
Sesheshet Queen's pyramid of Sesheshet
Pepi I's complex

South Saqqara

Pepi I Pyramid of Pepi I The beauty of Pepi may endure
Satellite pyramid
Nubwenet Queen's pyramid of Nubwenet
Inenek-Inti Queen's pyramid of Inenek-Inti
Satellite pyramid
Queen of Pepi I West pyramid
Meritites II Queen's pyramid of Meritites II
Ankhesenpepi II Queen's pyramid of Ankhesenpepi II
Ankhesenpepi III Queen's pyramid of Ankhesenpepi III
Satellite pyramid
Mehaa Queen's pyramid of Mehaa
Behenu Queen's pyramid of Behenu
Satellite pyramid
Merenre's complex

South Saqqara

Merenre Pyramid of Merenre The beauty of Merenre appears  
Satellite pyramid
Pepi II's complex

South Saqqara

Pepi II Pyramid of Pepi II Pepi is established and living  
Satellite pyramid
Neith Queen's pyramid of Neith
Satellite pyramid
Iput II Queen's pyramid of Iput II
Satellite pyramid
Udjebten Queen's pyramid of Udjebten
Satellite pyramid

First Intermediate Period

Site Owner Modern name Ancient name Image
8th Dynasty
Ity [de] Pyramid of Ity The Power of Iti
Neferkare Neby Pyramid of Neferkare Neby Enduring Life of Neferkare
South Saqqara Qakare Ibi Pyramid of Ibi  
Dara Khui Pyramid of Khui  
10th Dynasty
Merikare Pyramid of Merikare Flourishing are the abodes of Merikare

Middle Kingdom

Site Owner Modern name Ancient name Image
11th Dynasty
South Saqqara Reherishefnakht Pyramid of Reherishefnakht
12th Dynasty
Lisht Amenemhat I Pyramid of Amenemhet I Amenemhat appears at his place  
Senusret I's complex
Senusret I Pyramid of Senusret I Senusret beholds the two lands  
Satellite pyramid
Neferu III Queen's pyramid
Itakayt Queen's pyramid
Queen 3 of Senusret I Queen's pyramid
Queen 4 of Senusret I Queen's pyramid
Queen 5 of Senusret I Queen's pyramid
Queen 6 of Senusret I Queen's pyramid
Queen 7 of Senusret I Queen's pyramid
Queen 8 of Senusret I Queen's pyramid
Queen 9 of Senusret I Queen's pyramid
Dahshur Amenemhat II White Pyramid Amenemhat is provided  
Senusret II's complex
Senusret II Pyramid of Senusret II Senusret appears  
Queen of Senusret II Queen's pyramid
Senusret III's complex
Senusret III Pyramid of Senusret III  
Queen's pyramid
Queen's pyramid
Queen's pyramid
Queen's pyramid
Queen's pyramid
Queen's pyramid
Queen's pyramid
Dahshur Amenemhat III Pyramid of Amenemhat III Amenemhat is beautiful  
Hawara Pyramid of Hawara Amenemhat lives  
South Mazghuna Amenemhat IV (?) Southern Mazghuna pyramid  
North Mazghuna Sobekneferu (?) Northern Mazghuna pyramid  

Second Intermediate Period

Site Owner Modern name Ancient name Image
13th Dynasty
South Saqqara Ameny Qemau Pyramid of Ameny Qemau  
Dahshur Ameny Qemau

(possibly usurped)[2]

South Saqqara Khendjer Pyramid of Khendjer  
South Saqqara unknown Southern South Saqqara pyramid  
Abydos Likely Neferhotep I Tomb S9  
Abydos Likely Sobekhotep IV Tomb S10  

New Kingdom

Site Modern name

(Ancient name)

Owner Image
18th Dynasty
Abydos Pyramid of Ahmose Ahmose I  

See also


References and notes

  1. ^ For the problematic, see: Jürgen von Beckerath: Chronologie des pharaonischen Ägypten. Die Zeitbestimmung der ägyptischen Geschichte von der Vorzeit bis 332 v. Chr. (= Münchner ägyptologische Studien, vol. 46). von Zabern, Mainz 1997, ISBN 3-8053-2310-7, page 158.
  2. ^ Jarus, Owen (4 April 2017). "2nd Pyramid Bearing Pharaoh Ameny Qemau's Name Is Found". Live Science. Retrieved 8 April 2017.



Pyramids, Egyptian Category:Ancient Egypt-related lists Category:Pyramids in Egypt