About me


I'm currently a college student looking to study physical therapy. I love to play soccer and go on hikes. I like to spend my time being with my friends, playing soccer or other sports, playing video games, and being outside. I like dogs, Pomeranians are my favorite because they have a bunch of energy and just a lot of fun to be around, nevertheless i like all dogs as they are fun to be around. The tiny Pomeranian, long a favorite of royals and commoners alike, has been called the ideal companion.[1]

My Wikipedia activities


Besides the times I click on Wikipedia when I'm doing research for class, I don't use Wikipedia much. However i am looking to use Wikipedia more, I have always liked the idea of normal people being able to edit a page that holds important content for people doing research. While I have always been told that Wikipedia is an unreliable source, if something was wrong it would be changed so the information would be accurate and correct. If I were to make any changes to Wikipedia pages they would probably be small changes to a topic that I enjoy.

Article evaluation


Dogs, also known as "mans best friend" are my favorite animals. They are versatile creatures and are able to do anything. I have had a Labrador before and my grandparents currently have 2 Pomeranians however as i was going through the links from the Pomeranian dog page I see that some of the links need review. I visited the Lap dog article on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: possible bias, missing citations, and missing information.

Possible bias


I believe that part of the article is bias. After a quick skim of the article I have found two areas that need to be checked, Pugs are by far the largest lap dog and Pomeranians are the fluffiest lap dog. i believe these to be bias as with the pugs statement it has the words by far. It should say Pugs are one of the largest lap dogs. It is the same thing with the other statement, it should say Pomeranians are one of the fluffiest lap dogs.

Missing citations


There is a subpar amount of citations on this page. There are many possible facts on this page that have no citations, therefore creating a untrustworthy page and lead people to not get important information. This page has a bunch of facts of how these certain dogs were bred in the past. In the Pekingese section there is 2 decent size paragraphs that have no citations. Even though at the start of the 2 paragraphs it tells the reader that the information is from a1948 publication Dogs In Britain, A Description of All Native Breeds and Most Foreign Breeds in Britain by Clifford LB Hubbard, it needs to have a citation.

Missing information


While this article is supposed to be an overview on how some dogs became known as lapdogs, only having 1-3 sentences explaining the dogs is not enough. it seems like the people who wrote about these dogs ran out of time the farther down it goes. From having a decent amount of information on Pekingese, and Phalène and Papillon but when the reader continues to scroll it becomes 1-2 sentences explaining the dogs and their origins.



This page needs some work, while it has a ok appearance and history but in other important parts of the article it lacks information and citations. If the information in this article was all verified and had citations this page would be a lot better and people would be able to use this information for research. Put some more information about the dogs on this page and it will become a good page.


  1. ^ "Pomeranian Dog Breed Information". American Kennel Club. Retrieved 2022-09-27.