Alan Charles Rawlinson -- post-war career/sources

  • Substantive Sqn Ldr, 1948 – Gazette
  • CO 54 Sqn, Jun-Oct 1949 – 54 Sqn Association site
  • AFC as Acting Wg Cdr, 1952 – Gazette
  • Substantive Wg Cdr, 1952 – Flight Archive
  • CO RAF Patrington, Feb-Sep 1958 – Air of Authority site
  • OBE as Wg Cdr, 1958 – Gazette
  • CO RAF Buchan as Gp Capt, 1960-61 – Air of Authority site
  • Retired from RAF, 1961 – 3 Sqn Association site
  • Woomera Rocket Range, 1963-69 – 3 Sqn Association site
  • Died 28 August 2007 – various aviation blogs