The band, mainly, blues/rock/folk were formed in 1971/2 and comprised 4 members, Kev Bainbridge, (guitar and vocals) Tim Readman, (guitar and vocals) Colin 'Batty' Barrett (bass guitar) and Ian 'Ted' Hay, (drums).

The band were based in Seaham, Co Durham, North East England, specifically in the Dun Cow Inn in Seaton Village, where they memorably rehearsed in the pub cellar! they performed gigs, mainly covers of popular 70's songs in the, then popular, working mens clubs around the North East of England. In 1974, the band split, lost contact with each other and went their separate ways.

In the Autumn of 2017, Kev Bainbridge decided to try and make contact with the band members and he succeeded with the help of modern social media technology that obviously wasn't around in the seventies! So after 43 years, on the 10th October 2017, Kev (who lived in Coventry), Colin (the only member still living on the North East, in Washington) and Ian (who lived in Bristol) met up in the Dun Cow, Seaton Village!

Tim Readman was now living in Vancouver, Canada and it was discovered that he would be visiting the North East in December 2017. following a few e-mails and face book quotes, Tim joined the lads to rehearse and reminisce in December 2017 in recording Studio's in Washington.

Because of the distances between the lads, it was difficult to get together and rehearse, so after several 'get togethers' in 2018, a determined Kev acquired software to allow the band to record tracks for an album, 'so we could be remembered' said Kev.

In march 2019, in the village of Romaldkirk in the Durham Dales, the lads rented a cottage and recorded the first 5 tracks of a soon to be released album......