Notable characters and cast






The listed cast appeared more than once during the season. Both listed and unlisted season two cast could have appeared in other JAG seasons or within the NCIS franchise.



Ep1: We the people

Written by: Donald P. Bellisario

Directed by: Les Landau

After the Declaration of Independence was stolen by a militia group near Yuma, Arizona, Rabb, MacKenzie and Roberts are sent alongside Clayton Webb, who goes by the title of "Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State", to investigate the theft and alleged involvement of Matthew O'Hara (Carmen Argenziano), a former US Marine reconnaissance Colonel who is a recipient of the Medal of Honor. The "Defenders", an Idaho-based militia group led by O'Hara hijacked a ZNN (a CNN-style news network) broadcast to announce the militia's theft of the Declaration of Independence. Rabb learns that O'Hara is MacKenzie's uncle and the duo travel to the militia's hideout to peacefully negotiate the return of the document. Webb, who assigned MacKenzie already knowing her relationship with O'Hara, attempts to track the duo through phone-tapping; Roberts discovers Webb's illegal operation and helps him track MacKenzie and Rabb after Webb lost track of the duo. As O'Hara agrees to return the document and face a military trial, dissension floods the other members of the militia and they confiscate the Declaration of Independence to trade it for a ransom. Rabb and MacKenzie fight the militia members in a helicopter and the Declaration of Independence returns to Webb's possession.

** make note of Mac's first appearance**

Ep2: Secrets

Written by: Tom Towler

Directed by: Ray Austin

Corporal Jason Magida, USMC (Victor Love), was sentenced to 20 years prison for espionage; after eight years in Groton brig, he escapes after staging a medical emergency. Magida takes Chegwidden hostage in his office at the JAG headquarters after disguising himself as a Provost marshal's office deliveryman. After Rabb figures out that Chegwidden is being held hostage, he evacuates the building and alerts security. Magida then takes both MacKenzie and Roberts hostage in the JAG's office alongside Chegwidden and demands that Rabb retrieve his court-martial transcript to work out how he was framed. After learning that the records were classified, Rabb blackmails Webb to retrieve the transcript which was sealed by the CIA. Gayle Osbourne, a former CIA agent who claims is working for the Department of Defence, and a special response team take control of the building. Suspecting a CIA espionage coverup, Chegwidden convinces Osbourne to stand-down and Webb discovers that Magida was framed to protect Malka Dayan (Beata Poźniak), an Israeli spy who was working as a double agent. Dayan was then brought to the headquarters to help control the situation; after a gunpoint standoff between Rabb and Osbourne, Magida faced a military trial and returned to active duty.

Ep3: Jinx

Written by: Jack Orman

Directed by: Jerry Jameson

After an F-14 Tomcat crashed off the Coast of California, Rabb, Roberts and MacKenzie were sent to Miramar Naval Air Station in San Diego to investigate the tragedy; the F-14 "Howlers" squadron was developing a poor reputation as it was the second crash within the year, media began suggesting that their pilots were "jinxed". Whilst on base, Rabb spent time with Josh (Will Rothhaar) and Annie Pendry (Daphne Ashbrook; both from season 1, episode 6) and flirted with a possible relationship with Annie. After it was determined that the aircraft crashed due to a flock of birds compromising the engine intake, Rabb and MacKenzie attempted to debunk the fear of a "curse" among the squadron's pilots on the USS America aircraft carrier. Lieutenant Pete "Pistol" Ayers, USN (Charles Esten), a radar intercept officer in the squadron suspected divine intervention from God who was seeking vengeance, as he was previously involved in an accidental bombing of a mosque before the squadron became "jinxed"; as a result of the speculation, Ayers resigned his commission out of fear. Rabb convinced Ayers to reverse his decision and agreed to fly with him to help debunk his speculation. During an aerial refueling within the flight, Rabb's canopy was smashed by the fuel drouge and he was injured; the duo however successfully executed an emergency landing on base.

Ep4: Heros

Written by: R. Scott Gemmill

Directed by: Tony Wharmby

In a court-room setting, MacKenzie defends Chief Petty Officer Greg Connors, USN (Steven Flynn) who was accused of shooting and murdering a close friend and fellow seal during an operation off the coast of Libya. Rabb prosecutes alongside Roberts and they both investigate the incident, taking a personal interest. During the proceedings, MacKenzie and Rabb had a conflict of interest and often argued over the case and each others court-room conduct. In the investigation, Rabb struggles to maintain any cooperation with the deceased's family, with the father convinced his son died a hero and was not murdered by Connors. Monitoring the proceedings, Chegwidden urges Rabb to prosecute and investigate with caution, suspecting he has a weak case and is 'clutching at straws'. In a desperate attempt to prove his case, Rabb fires a submachine gun into the roof of the courtroom to show that the weapon wasn't jammed, attempting to add merit to his prosecution. Forced to drop his case due to a lack of evidence, Rabb later discovers that the deceased was HIV positive and committed suicide by standing in Connors' line of fire.

Ep5: Crossing the line

Written by: Stephen Zito

Directed by: Tony Wharmby

During a line-crossing ceremony on the USS Seahawk (fictional aircraft carrier), F-14 Tomcat pilot Lieutenant Marilyn Isaacs, USN (Nancy Everhard) alleged she was sexually assaulted by her shipmates. Isaacs filled a complaint against the carrier's air wing commander (CAG), Captain Thomas Boone, USN (Terry O'Quinn; also appeared in season one), despite not being involved; MacKenzie, Rabb and Roberts were sent by Chegwidden to investigate. The investigation became complicated when Congresswoman Adele DeLong (Dee Wallace), a critic of the Navy and its policies regarding women, arrives aboard to oversee the investigation and to support Isaacs' case. Whilst on board, Roberts becomes aquatinted with Ensign Harriet Sims, USN, who took his former position as public affairs officer aboard the carrier. Before the alleged assault, Isaacs was grounded by Boone for unsafe flying; however, DeLong later intervened and convinced a higher authority to return her to active flight status, despite not yet being cleared by a seperate review board. After a subsequent flight, Isaacs crashes her F-14 onto the carrier deck during a night-landing; during the unfolding emergency, Rabb prevents the radar intercept officer from falling into the sea after she ejected.

Ep6: Trinity

Written by: Jack Orman

Directed by: Alan J. Levi

The baby son of Lieutenant Linda Nivens, USN (Susan Gibney) was abducted in Northern Ireland, it was suspected that the father, Lorcan Barnes (Harry Van Gorkum), was the abductor. MacKenzie and Rabb are sent to Belfast to find Barnes and the child; Barnes was a high-profile member of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) fighting against the British during the Troubles. Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) officers monitored the duo's investigation. Rabb and Nivens are kidnapped by Barnes, he claimed that he did not abduct the child, but instead suspected the RUC had in an attempt make him vulnerable to capture. MacKenzie, who is stationed with the RUC, learns about the situation through an IRA mole at the constabulary headquarters and manages to have the RUC unintentionally reveal the location of the child to Barnes and Rabb. After the RUC worked out what happened, the officers attempted to move the child; Barnes and Rabb joined up with MacKenzie and intercepted the officers. After an ensuing gunfight, MacKenzie and Rabb collected the child and brought him to the U.S. embassy where he was reunited with Nivens.