User:Ikerdeusto1/sandbox/My wikipedia contribution

Elene choose the article of First Wave of Feminism and we decided to work together in the contribution. We took the decision to divide the work into two parts, trying to supplement the limited information that we can found on english wikipedia according to this article. Then, this is the sheme that we are working:


  • 1.Historical context

-French Revolution (1789)

-Illustration vs. Feminism

-Rousseau’s ideas against gender equality


  • 2.The polemic illustration

-Mary Wollstonecraft: Vindication

-Origins of the book – Related with Rousseau’s Ideal Democratic Society of men

-Consequences – Suffragist movements

My draft of the contribution of this article

Feminism has its source in the 18th century, specifically in the Enlightenment, in this cultural and philosophical movement there was a controversy on equality and gender differences. At the time appeared a new critical discourse that used the universal categories of this political philosophy. Enlightenment movement therefore was not feminist on its roots.

The French Revolution(1789) raised legal equality, freedoms and political rights as its central objectives but soon came the great contradiction that marked the struggle of early feminism: freedoms, rights and legal equality that had been the great conquests of the liberal revolutions didn´t affect women. Rousseau's political theory designed the exclusion of women from the field of property and rights. So in the French Revolution the voice of women began to express themselves collectively.