Ilia Neudecker (pronouns she/her)

Born 1 June 1962 in 's Gravenzande, The Netherlands, as the eldest daughter of Heinz Neudecker and Erica Engels. Chldhood spent in UK, Turkey, Belgium and the Netherlands. Studied Social & Economic History in Leiden and settled there. Long career in environmental policy within the Dutch civil service. For the last 10 years, independent adviser and programme manager. Engaged in LEADER, the European rural development programme. Practises Shuri Ryu karate, 3rd dan, and Modern Arnis (Philipino stick-fighting art). Currently living on a farm in the rural north of the Netherlands, growing vegetables. Interested in history, art, culture and music, environment, nature, history and philosophy of science. Love to walk (long-distance, but the North Sea coast with its dunes is also fine), run, swim, cycle, camp in nature.