"Adam stitches" is a creepypasta created by a user called "ImaSadLad" and this creepypasta is about a boy who has to deal with issues of his own and battles between his sanity and insanity

He's 17

Height: 5'10

He's a murderer and psychopath/sociopath

Weapon of choice is an axe


He was running in the woods, his shirt soaked in water and blood as he drags the axe, blood all over the handle and blade. His fingers bleeding they had a stinging pain as he then jumped in a lake sinking to the bottom.

Adam As a kid had very bad eyesight in his right eye and when he was 4 his right eye became completely blind. As a toddler he distance himself from others, never really played but would sleep and eat, nothing to out of place.

When he got older his mom drunk more and more getting angrier as time flew by to the point where she would abuse and hit Adam. Adam would cry a lot to the point where he felt he had ran out of tears.

But as time flew by Adam walked around and then finally after a while, he had met and made a friend his name was Todd, they became close friends almost inseparable.

But until...they were playing in the road and they were having so much fun, but as someone was speeding down the road they didn't see the two boys so. Adam moved only getting his leg crushed as he screams in agony but as the car stopped he saw a puddle of blood...it was Todd lying there not breathing, Adam screamed hoping to wake up. All that happened was him crying and his best friend lying on the road dead.

A few years later Adam was then diagnosed with switch personality disorder he would impersonate a version of himself he desperately wish he were, fun, out going, happy, and sometimes a bit overbored and lack of sanity.

As he grew bigger the abuse became worse, and on his 12th birthday his mother was on the breaking of her sanity,, she lost her job and was about to lose her house she got so angry that she grabbed him and gripped a knife slashing his throat as he was then choking on his blood feeling a burning like sensation as he fell to the floor eyes rolling back.

After that Adam woke up. He were in a hospital as he looked around, he looked at his skin, it was pale and cold almost like a corpse he then looked at his wrist. He nearly screamed from what he saw...a red bracelet saying "diseased" he was apparently dead, but he felt a sudden calm feeling before he touched his neck feeling a long cut and stitches.

He stood up barley walking he had a limp ever since the car accident.

He limped towards a chair with a black Hoodie with a skull and had some jeans and shoes as he put them on and walked out. The hallway was empty, he then yelped "hello!" No answer, as he walked out the room and looked the floor he was on said "floor 13" he believed he heard stories about that people would come back from the dead on this floor he thought to himself "am I one..." he then went to the elevator hiding his neck but as he went to the first floor he felt like his body was becoming numb, but he quickly ran out but then ran into patients and doctors, he was surprised people were actually here. But did they know, did they know he was dead or- "hey kid!" One doctor saw the bracelet and dashed towards Adam, he jumped back and looked at a window, he grabbed a chair smashing it jumping it as a peace of glass cuts his hand leading a trail of blood.

He kept running for a while before trailing off in the woods, he had a splitting headache. he went in the woods he felt numb again, he leans against a tree before his eyes widens and gained a wide smile, unfortunately his so called "best side of him" took over, of course at the wrong time.

He had a wide grin looking at his hand and started to laugh "hehehehehe i-i can't forget this pain-!" He then walked seeing some light in the distance "I don't want to forget...." he saw a cabin lights on as he looked at people inside "p-people- people hurt me!" He looked around and found an axe as he smiled again smashing in the door as he then heard screaming he laughed "hahaha yes yes! Scream!" This side of Adam was always a bit crooked in the head as he busts through the door dragging the axe, he glared at a man holding a knife "w-what, wanna hurt me!" He then dashes towards the man but lost balance from the weight of the axe as the man swings the knife as it slices open adams cheek. He then felt the blood rush down "hehehehe i-its not gone yet-" he gripped the axe and lifted it swinging it towards the man slamming the axe in his head.

Adam then sloped down sitting on the ground watching the puddle of blood crawl over the floor. He heard sirens as he quickly got up lifting the axe from the man's head and quickly ran to the bathroom and searched and found a medkit, he runs to the backdoor as the sirens got closer, he ran holding the axe and medkit quickly running around the trees until he couldn't hear any sounds anymore, he leans against a tree, he touched his cheek feeling the cut, it was fairly deep. He looked through the medkit and found a needle and thread, he started to stitch his cheek and hand.

After a while he found out he was in the hospital for a few years and apparently the floor was abandoned for a while.

He was now wandering the woods switching personalities twisting and turning and battled through sanity and insanity

