Early Life/Bio


Katherena Vermette grew up in the North End of Winnipeg, Canada[1][1], a neighbourhood distinguished by a relatively high population of Indigenous Canadians (approximately 25%), primarily First Nations and Métis people. Winnipeg, a city often singled out for its high rate of reported crimes, garners further negative outsider attention in its North End because of its dense number of reported crimes[2][2]. In an interview with CBC Radio, Vermette describes her childhood as not being “picturesque”, in the usual sense of the word[1][1]. For Vermette, growing up in the North End of Winnipeg meant that things were not always simple and, from a young age, she bore witness to the kind of injustice and prejudice that young people are typically spared from[1][1]. An example of this injustice came when a 14 year-old Vermette lost her older brother, the just 18 year-old Donovan, who was officially missing for 6 months prior to being pronounced dead[1][1]. Vermette asserts that the combination of Donovan’s young age, the circumstance at his having been at a bar with friends priot to his disappearance, and because he was Cree meant that his disappearance did not get adequate coverage by the media. Vermette cites the general apathy shown by the people of her community and the media surrounding her brother’s disappearance as being the factor which instigated her own sense of the unfairness of the discrimination against the Aboriginal populations of Canada by non-Aboriginal Canadians, leading to her desire to activate for change[1][1].



Katherena Vermette is known primarily for her poetry, although she is also a writer of prose[1][1][3][3]. From her viewpoint, Vermette’s penchant for poetry stems from the fluidity and complexity of it as a medium; it combines singing, storytelling, and even painting, yet is something entirely different[1][1].

North End Love Songs


Vermette’s first published volume of poetry, “North End Love Songs” functions as an ode to the place she grew up[4][4], Winnipeg’s North End, and her intimate perspective on a place that is looked down upon for its high levels of reported crime[2][2]. In the work, she describes her neighbourhood with respect to nature, highlighting the animals, foliage and rivers that coexist within it[3][3]. In writing “North End Love Songs”, Vermette sought to replace the prejudiced perceptions held by people outside of the North End with the beautiful way that she knows her community[1][1]. The collection depicts a “young girl or woman struggling with identity and place,” says Vermette[5][5]. This conflict between a simultaneous deep sense of affection and of defiance to one’s place of origin is precisely what constitutes the idea of home, in Vermette’s view[5][5].



A poem commissioned by CBC Aboriginal, “Heart” similarly depicts the North End of Winnipeg from Vermette’s personal point of view. Vermette aims to change the narrative from “that North End”, known for being “broken”, “tired”, a “lost cause”, and “beaten”, to the way she knows it; rather, a place that is “healing”, “working”, “seeking [for a cause]”, and “rising”[4][4]. The poem gets its name for being about the North End which, from Vermette’s perspective, is the “heart of the Métis nation”[4][4].

Other Endeavours




In 2013, Vermette won the Governor General’s Literary Award for poetry, for her collection “North End Love Songs”[3][3][6][6], an accolade she dubbed a “goal” for poetry[1][1], as well as being “completely unexpected”[5][5]. In an interview with CBC Radio, Vermette discusses having considered not accepting the award, as a means of protesting the Canadian Government’s treatment of the many missing and murdered Aboriginal women at the time, and disagreeing with the Government’s policies in general[1][1]. After consideration, Vermette decided to accept the award because the people who voted for “North End Love Songs” were a collection of her literary peers, making it a reflection of the Canadian poetry community, rather than the Canadian Government[1][1]



In addition to writing herself, Vermette also works with young people, ostracized for their circumstances and labelled as being “at risk”[3][3]. This workshop focuses on utilizing writing as a means of coping with the struggles associated with growing up marginalized because of that which makes one different from the majority[3][3]. Vermette seeks to promote the development in young people’s artistic voice, through the medium of poetry[3][3].

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "Katherena Vermette wins the 2013 Governor General's Poetry Prize". CBC Player. 2013-11-13. Retrieved 2016-03-30.
  2. ^ a b "Winnipeg neighbourhood hotbed for crime". www.cbc.ca. Retrieved 2016-03-30.
  3. ^ a b c d e f "University of Manitoba - Centre for Creative Writing and Oral Culture - Katherena Vermette". umanitoba.ca. Retrieved 2016-03-30.
  4. ^ a b c "Métis poet Katherena Vermette defends Winnipeg's North End in video". www.cbc.ca. Retrieved 2016-03-30.
  5. ^ a b c "Katherena Vermette". thewalrus.ca. Retrieved 2016-03-30.
  6. ^ "Katherena Vermette Wins Governor General's Award for Poetry | UBC Creative Writing". creativewriting.ubc.ca. Retrieved 2016-03-30.