A good way to communicate? Inawe 14:29, 23 April 2017 (UTC)

Here we collect material that will be added to the official wa Acts article later.
Why do we collect these results on wa?
Because we believe that we should share our study results with the public. --Inawe talk 10:21, 12 August 2010 (UTC)
Added last two sentences Inawe 08:52, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

permanent prayer


Acts 10:1-8 shows that the Roman officer was visited by the angel because he was "continually praying to God". His lifestyle of permanent prayer and generous giving made him receptive for God's revelation. The Lord can work with him. See map. Inawe 05:35, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

It is show us that God always remember all things! He would like to talk with us but, He always does this in the silent! Not limit your God, He can do this in your life too!
But we need times of silence for sure. Inawe 13:25, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

breaking tradition


Acts 10:9-16 Peter responds to the voice (14) with "Lord". He immediately identifies his master's voice. But the master's voice has a strange, counter-cultural message. Peter seems confused (17: "inwardly perplexed" ESV). His paradigm still consists of Jewish religious rules. The Lord breaks these traditional limits and boundaries and challenges his obedient disciple. Inawe 08:49, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

Not always but usually we don't understand what God is mean, when He tells us that we will change our opinion or world view, sometimes through our friends or pastor's sermon!
I fully agree that *people* are very important to understand God's message. Inawe 13:25, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

Acts 10:17-23a Peter believes the voice and obediently receives the "unclean" people. He doesn't seem to have a problem to follow the command from the Spirit/the Lord. He has no doubts that the Lord Himself spoke to him. Inawe 09:42, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

For people really hard to follow God's will or words if they didn't have any experience "walking with God!"
How would you define *experience with God*? Inawe 13:25, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

hearing the master's voice


Acts 10:23b-29 Peter publicly confesses his assurance that the voice he had heard was actually the Lord's voice. Adapting the "new version" of equality between Jews and Non-Jews as coming from God (18) is a strong message and has big consequences for the young church. Inawe 09:42, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

Interesting that Peter didn't receive worship or some glory from Cornelius, but sad that he is man, like him! His attitude how brother and friend!
The author of Acts shows Peter in a very positive light, at least in this chapter. Inawe 13:25, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

men as agents used by God


Acts 10:30-33 The author shows that God uses angels and men to make His plans work. Communication, important travel information, addresses, names of contact people, are communicated via seen and unseen channels. Inawe 09:42, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

If God will lead, he will show the true way and you will not have any doubts about making decision "fallow or not!"
Question: How does this assurance look like? Inawe 13:25, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

no partiality: Jews = Gentiles


Acts 10:34-43 Peter once again publicly proclaims that "God shows no partiality" (34 ESV). In other words, His attitude towards the Gentiles is the same as to the Jews. Because of that Peter can also freely share the full gospel with the Gentiles (42,43). Inawe 09:42, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

"But in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him." It is a key words, which describe God's attitude to people and His justice!
In other words: There are some conditions. Inawe 13:25, 13 August 2010 (UTC)



Acts 10:44-48 Jewish Torah thinking must have been so deeply rooted in Peter's companions that they were amazed that signs of the Holy Spirit confirmed the new approach of Peter (45). Peter's teaching authority was not as big as being authoritative for his disciples. They seemed to have their doubts whether Peter's repeated proclamation was right.
First the message is given, then the Holy Spirit is "filling" the hearers. And after that they are water-baptized (48). That gives some hints about the water-baptism theology in Acts. Inawe 09:42, 13 August 2010 (UTC)

Good example of God's work in people lives and hearts! But God doesn't have only one way to change people hearts or model! He is creative and can do what He wants, when He wants and with who, it is His mercy, grace and chose!
I fully agree! Inawe 13:25, 13 August 2010 (UTC)