Aren't You Curious?


About Me


I am currently a librarian with the dream of becoming a published author. Of course, I am also one of procrastination's many children. Therefore, there really is no telling whether or not I will ever actually write a book. Only time and my mental state can tell that. I am a published poet, granted it's only one poem, in one book. The International Library of Poetry published me. Considering that the International Library of Poetry will publish anyone, my being published isn't really that grand. Although, I will supposedly have another poem published in Noble House's book of poetry, so perhaps I have accomplished something. You can find me on the web at two places. One is open to the public and I only allow friends to view the other. Myspace is my public site and livjournal is my secured site. I am also a member at

My Dream


I love to write. I have many ideas in my head. It's all just a matter of getting it down on paper or in the computer. At first, I had an idea for a sociopathic character who was literally on the verge of insanity. However, recently I've had a kind of epiphany that led me to decided to go with something more christian based. Plus, this new idea leaves me in a less violent mood than the sociopath. The idea is still floating around and I'm still dreaming up the plots, but I think I may actually write this one. Here's hoping.



I work the circulation desk at a medium sized library. They think I'm a computer whiz, but only because I'm the youngest and have had more youth time to fool around with them. There are actually two computer gurus of whom I can fall to, if I can't figure something out. It's a nice job, that allows me time to do other things, if I so choose.

--insanityrose 01:06, 18 May 2006 (UTC)