
" Vim rc file
" Maintainer:   Szymon 'Polemon' Bereziak <polemon@polemon.org>
" Last Change:  2012-06-29
" URL:          http://polemon.org
" Version:      0.10

" * General

set nocompatible  " Vim, not vi

set novisualbell  " deactivate flash

" have command-line completion <Tab> (for filenames, help topics, option names)
" first list the available options and complete the longest common part, then
" have further <Tab>s cycle through the possibilities:
set wildmode=list:longest,full  " completion mode
set wildmenu                    " command completion

set laststatus=2  " always display statusline

set showmode      " display current working mode
set showcmd       " display partially typed command in status
set ruler         " enable line and column display
set number        " enable line numbers

let fortran_free_source=1

syntax on " enable syntax highlighting

" when using list, keep tabs at their full width and display `arrows':
execute 'set listchars+=tab:' . nr2char(187) . nr2char(183)
" (Character 187 is a right double-chevron, and 183 a mid-dot.)

set nowrap        " no wrapped display
set formatoptions-=t            " ensure no wrap around using textwidth

set mouse=a       " enable mous on all times
set nocp bs=2     " enable backspace in INSERT mode
set sidescroll=2  " smooth but reasonably fast side scrolling

set shortmess+=r  " use "[RO]" for "[readonly]" to save space in the message line
set shortmess+=I  " get rid of splashscreen

" possible values are: indent, eol, start
"set backspace=indent            " backspace set to indent delete

" * Search
set incsearch     " search while typing:
set hlsearch      " highlight search results:
set wrapscan      " restart search from top when bottom hit
set ignorecase    " case insesitive search
set smartcase     " case sensitive search when searching with upperase letters
set gdefault      " imply /g when s///
set magic         " ^ and $ are special symbols
" backslash suspends search highlight
nnoremap <silent>\ :nohlsearch<CR>

" enable modelines (vim:)
set modeline

" disable code folding
set nofoldenable

" manual code folding (zf command)
set foldmethod=syntax

" toggle foldcolumn with foldenablhe
function Foldtoggle()
  if &foldenable
    set nofoldenable
    set foldcolumn=0
    set foldenable
    set foldcolumn=2

" zi toggles fold columns
nnoremap <silent>zi :call Foldtoggle()<CR>

function Jumplast()
  if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$")
    exe "normal! g'\"" 

" *** File specific stuff ***

" try jumping to last known position
autocmd BufReadPost * call Jumplast()

" generaly prefer indentation of four, all spaces:
set tabstop=8     " width ot TAB character
set shiftwidth=4  " indentation step
set softtabstop=4 " TAB key step
set expandtab     " expand tabs to spaces
set smarttab      " smarter tab

colorscheme polemon   " colorscheme polemon.vim (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Polemon/files/polemon.vim>

" enable filetype detection:
filetype on
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on " file type based indentation

" recognize anything in my .Postponed directory as a news article, and anything
" at all with a .txt extension as being human-language text [this clobbers the
" `help' filetype, but that doesn't seem to prevent help from working
" properly]:
augroup filetype
  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead */.Postponed/* set filetype=mail
  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt set filetype=human
augroup END

autocmd FileType mail set formatoptions+=t textwidth=72 " enable wrapping in mail
autocmd FileType human set formatoptions-=t textwidth=0 " disable wrapping in txt

" for C-like  programming where comments have explicit end
" characters, if starting a new line in the middle of a comment automatically
" insert the comment leader characters:
autocmd FileType c,cpp,java set formatoptions+=ro
autocmd FileType c set omnifunc=ccomplete#Complete

" fixed indentation should be OK for XML and CSS. People have fast internet
" anyway. Indentation set to 2.
autocmd FileType html,xhtml,css,xml,xslt set shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2

" two space indentation for some files
autocmd FileType vim,lua,nginx set shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2

" for CSS, also have things in braces indented:
autocmd FileType css set omnifunc=csscomplete#CompleteCSS

" add completion for xHTML
autocmd FileType xhtml,html set omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags

" add completion for XML
autocmd FileType xml set omnifunc=xmlcomplete#CompleteTags

" in makefiles, don't expand tabs to spaces, since actual tab characters are
" needed, and have indentation at 8 chars to be sure that all indents are tabs
" (despite the mappings later):
autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab shiftwidth=8 softtabstop=0

" ensure normal tabs in assembly files
" and set to NASM syntax highlighting
autocmd FileType asm set noexpandtab shiftwidth=8 softtabstop=0 syntax=nasm

" *** Plugin Settings ***

" indent-guides

" indentation width
let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1

" start at first level
let g:indent_guides_start_level = 2

" enable by default
let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 1