This is my user page. It -isn't- insane that I am telling you about myself here, because that is what it's for.

My talk page is a place where people can talk to me. It also -isn't- insane to talk to other people on their talk pages. Like to apologize for erasing one of their links instead of correcting the spelling.

It might be a little crazy if I was talking to myself on my TALK page, and trying to imply that someone was out of line for talking to me there.

You know?

I don't neurotically associate my percpetions of American culture with random articles on Wikipedia, and don't erase huge segments of information on topics I don't like.

You can see some of my additions to the site at the Depeche Mode page, where I added a new section where known instruments and samples can be placed in a database. The whole community has contributed to it, and it is still very nebulous. That is just the kind of informative and fun thing that Wikipedia can help to sponsor, if all contributors are making edits based on positive feelings of helpfulness and a desire to expand the information available to the world.

An example of what I consider a bad edit are the jokers on the Depeche Mode article that keep adding 'hand clapping' as an instrument of Fletch's. That is just silly. Or people who think leaving information IN the article is bad. That's silly too. An endlessly expandable encyclopedia, and they want to just CUT potentially useful information?

I'm a big supporter of Wikipedia, and my occasional and slight irritation at missing elements or mispelled names of incidental individuals has motivated me to sign up to correct these small mistakes. The idea of a universally editable encyclopedia is of great importance to the world, and I am pleased to play a small role in keeping the information accurate!